"Maximize Your Kids Potential" by Daryl Cheng & Chris Guo

"Maximize Your Kids Potential" by Daryl Cheng and Chris Guo [HD]

The first 1000 Days of a child's life - between conception and their 2nd birthday, is a unique window of opportunity to build a healthy and prosperous future. However, it also is a precarious period where nourishment and care are of the utmost importance. How does research in the fields of neuroscience, biology and early childhood development provide powerful insights into how nutrition, relationships, environments and faith shape a child's future?

Date Posted: 24 Aug 2020
Select Quality: LQ | HQ | HD
Online Church - Melbourne
It's church with a health twist, entirely online! Join us every Sunday at 10 AM (Australian Eastern Standard Time) for a live stream on Facebook or YouTube [more]

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