Life & Death

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Life After Death
by · 8743 views · HD
Is there life after death? What is the soul? What is the spirit? Can we talk to our dead loved ones, and if so, should we? (more)
Revelation Reveals the Secrets of Death
by · 14084 views · HD
There are many who claim that know what happens after we died. But only one has ever been dead and then resurrected back to life. Shouldn't we be asking this person instead of those that just theorise it? (more)
Why You Can Be Assured of a Wonderful Future
by · 10350 views · HQ
You can turn to the paranormal, the stars in heaven or crystal ball, but the fact is no one on earth can foretell the future. However, Jesus said that His whole reputation is based on foretelling the future. (more)
Mercy of God & The End of the World
by · 14329 views · HQ
Where can eternal life be found? Some people think they can communicate with the dead and life can be found there. The Bible is clear that eternal life cannot be found in mankind. So let's find out how! (more)
The Mark of the Beast
by · 23535 views · HQ
This is a topic that a lot of people have questions about. Let's study the Bible together! (more)
The Shout of the Lord
by · 12242 views · HQ
When God speaks, things come to being, when God shout, definite things happen. Let's discover what will God shouting when He returns to earth. (more)
It's Your Last Chance
by · 12565 views · HQ
The Bible talks about the last judgement that everyone on Earth will be a part of. Let's find out more about this judgement and how could you survive it. (more)
The Final Message
by · 9865 views · HQ
Can we prepare ourselves for the end of the world, and how? In this last session, the answers to those tow questions will be addressed with details. You will find the incredible truth of an urgent message , a mess... (more)
The Witch of Endor
by · 8367 views · LQ
Is spiritualism real or is it just a trick? Let's find out what the Bible has to say while we visit Canaanite's city, Endor, where the first historical recorded spiritualism took place. (more)
Strange Burial Places
by · 6735 views · LQ
What happen after we died? Let's take a journey to remarkable catacomb such as Bet Shearim in Israel and other strange burial place to find the answer. (more)
The Good News About Hell
by · 11946 views · LQ
The whole Bible is filled with Gospel, which mean good news. Even the subject of hell, rightly understood, is good news. There have been, down through the ages, significant misunderstandings about the subject of hel... (more)
Where on Earth is Hell?
by · 18193 views · HD
Would a loving God burn people in hell forever? Does hell even exist? If it does, who's in charge? If it doesn't how do you stop or punish evil? Discover clear Biblical insights about hell which provide hope and ass... (more)
Life After Death
by · 13476 views · HD
There are plenty of theories about life and death. But what really happens when we die? Do we go to heaven, hell, in-between, nowhere or somewhere? Discover the Bible's hope filled answer to life and death (more)
How to Face Death Unafraid
by · 9917 views · LQ
The question of death and what happens when one dies, are questions that have intrigued mankind since the very dawn of time. Even today, with significant advances in technology, medicine, and science, the question o... (more)
Rebuilding the Temple
by · 9579 views · HQ
Out of the bible, the place that contains the most symbols and code will be a Jewish temple. Let's find out what on it, why it relevant for us who live in the 21st century. (more)
Angels & Demons
by · 10854 views · HQ
When God created Lucifer, he was the most beautiful angel and perfect in every way. Let's find out what happen to this angel, and how his fall was the start to all of the suffering and sin in the universe. (more)
Which Ressurection Will You Be In?
by · 6023 views · LQ
Whether you’re a Christ follower or not, dead is not the end, the Bible teaches us about 2 resurrections that will happen at the end of time. Let’s find how you can be sure to take part in the right first resurrecti... (more)
I'm dead, What Next?
by · 5707 views · LQ
It doesn’t matter what you and I think what happen after we died, or ever what your church or my church says. The Bible gives us a clear guidance what happen. Let’s find out. (more)
What Jesus Says About Death?
by · 6798 views · LQ
If there is one thing that is certain in life is that someday we are going to die. What did Jesus says about death? Let’s find out. (more)
The Occult and Life After Death
by · 10930 views · LQ
Most Christian will tell you that we will go to heaven or hell after we died. Let’s find out why this is a problem, a big problem indeed, and how this non-biblical doctrine creep into Christians churches in its earl... (more)