Prophecies in the Bible

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The Coming Crisis
by · 6775 views · HD
The Bible talks about a time in the future when there will be a great crisis that will come upon the face of the earth. Let's study some of the verses and chapter that talk about it. (more)
Mark of the Beast
by · 7756 views · HD
What is the number 666, and how can we avoid any connection with it? Does anyone have the mark of the beast today? If so, are they doomed? Does God have His own mark and if so, who receives it? (more)
Who is the Antichrist - Part II
by · 9367 views · HD
Let's find out who is this so-called "antichrist" from the clear identifying marks from the Bible! (more)
Who is the Antichrist - Part I
by · 6585 views · HD
Is the Antichrist an individual or an alliance of evil? Will the Antichrist appear in the future or is he alive today? What role will the Antichrist play in the final events of world history and how can you be certa... (more)
The Mystery Man of Prophecy
by · 8419 views · HD
In what may be the greatest of all prophecies, the ancient prophet Daniel predicted important events in the history of the Jews. This included the exact date for the coming of the Messiah (more)
Signs of the Times
by · 5915 views · HD
Uncover one of the most relevant prophecies for our time & the signs associated with the Second Coming of Jesus. (more)
Who Will Control the World?
by · 6184 views · HD
Who will control our world in the future? Will it be the United States, Israel or China? Will it be a religious leader such as the Pope or a United Europe? Will one of the nations of Islam dominate the new world? (more)
Secrets of Prophecy
by · 11176 views · HD
Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future. Yet the Bible contains 1000s of prophecies that are, up to this day, 100% accurate. (more)
The New World Order
by · 10227 views · HD
The Bible predicts an upcoming new world power. Let's find out what it is! (more)
Is There Hope For a Planet in Crisis?
by · 11497 views · HD
People are stressed and anxious. Pain, suffering and evil are everywhere we turn. Society is facing serious challenges that have got everyone worried. Is there any hope? (more)
The Messiah and the Judgment
by · 11287 views · HD
Bible prophecy speaks of a coming Messiah and offers a hope-filled message late in the history of the world. (more)
Seeing the Signs
by · 8869 views · HD
What is really going on in our world? Brilliant scientific minds such as astrophysicist Steven Hawking have made bizarre predictions about the future of planet earth. Current world events suggest something BIG is ab... (more)
The Remnant
by · 12072 views · HD
Revelation talks about the last group of God's people who the Devil will make war with at the end of time. Let's find out who is this group and what is their characteristic. (more)
The Woman in the Wilderness
by · 11950 views · HD
During the dark ages, God's true people were prosecuted and must hide in the dry and barren places. This is how God protect and provide for His people. (more)
The Laws of Health & Ancient Insights
by · 14093 views · HD
The Urgency of Our Times
by · 11959 views · HD
History Repeats - Roman Emperor Diocletian
by · 18943 views · HD
The Roman Emperor Diocletian was responsible for brutally intense persecution of Christians. When persecution beings again, God wants you to be ready. (more)
Reasons to be Nervous About America
by · 10140 views · HQ
The Prophecy Everybody Needs to Know
by · 8868 views · HQ