Christian Ministries

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Service During Covid-19
by · 9654 views · HD
Find out how are frontline healthcare workers are serving the community during this pandemic. Dr Henry To and Pr Kojo Akomeah will share unique insights into what service means during difficult times. (more)
Q&A & Cash Flow Management
by · 4592 views · HQ
Learn how to manage your budgeting and cash flow without destroying your marriage. (more)
Super Savers
by · 4497 views · HQ
It is vital for us to have enough saving at this uncertain time. Here are some tips. (more)
Financial Investments for End Time
by · 6175 views · HQ
The economy is changing and business is changing. How do we prepare financially to face the uncertainty of end-time? (more)
Why Am I Here?
by · 17829 views · HD
If bees, whales and cats have a purpose for its existence, do we have a purpose too? (more)
Our Most Precious Treasure
by · 19319 views · HD
Doing the Right Job at the Wrong Time
by · 20204 views · HD
As parents, we all want the best for our children. But can the best of intention be damaging when given at the wrong time? (more)
A Thinking Generation
by · 19987 views · HD
The urgent need for thinking in the last days – and Satan’s plan to prevent it (more)
What's Wrong with the Beat?
by · 30551 views · HQ
The issue of music are dividing the churches today. How much influence does music really have over the mind? And was there any type of the music that the evil spirit like or don't like? (more)
Praying For & In Spirit
by · 22389 views · HQ
George Müller pray for his friend every day for 73 years without result. But even in his death bed, Müller still convince that his friend will come to Christ one day. How could Müller pray with such c... (more)
Conditions & Hindrances to the Spirit Filled Life
by · 19537 views · HQ
God is more than keen to flow the riches of His grace earthward to men, but what is that stopping Him to do so? (more)
The Meaning of Christ in Me
by · 21068 views · HQ
What does it mean to have Christ in me? By default our relationship with Jesus is: I want to have Him around. We want to have Him around when we in trouble, when we need miracle, etc. (more)
How the Spirit Works in Your Life
by · 18270 views · HQ
A church in Murmansk, Russia are dying. With only 6 members left, they realise that they needed help. A year later they baptise 80 new members. How did this happen? (more)
High on Somethaone
by · 17058 views · HQ
When the Israeli enter the land of Cannan, God instructed them to destroy the high places, some of which they failed to do. What are these high places? And let's find out why some of us is also holding on to these "... (more)
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Adventisms Big Fumble
by · 16758 views · HQ
Fumble is the term use in American football when a team drop the ball. Did we, as a church also drop the ball? Did we fumble, or drop Jesus somewhere along the way? (more)
How Long is Too Long
by · 16228 views · HQ
Have you ever prayed for something and yet there is no answer? How long do we have to wait til God answer our prayer? (more)
How Old is Too Young
by · 14057 views · HQ
What is the minimum age for you to serve the Lord? (more)
Authentic Manhood
by · 11001 views · HQ
To be a man is to be tough. Men don't ask for help, men don't cry and men can handle it all. Yet one man every four hours takes his own life in Australia alone. What has gone wrong? (more)
The Secret of Growth Through Sharing
by · 8529 views · HQ
It is a joy telling others about Christ. It is a joy that comes from deep in our heart. (more)
Radical Protection
by · 11336 views · HQ
"Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil" Ephesian 6:11. You may never encounter it, but the battle between good and evil is real! And unless you have this armour... (more)
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