"Could It Be This Simple?" by Samuel Sidhartha

"Could It Be This Simple?" by Samuel Sidhartha [HQ]

We all want to have happiness, joy, enthusiasm and excitement in our life. Let's discover a simple remedy to have these in our life!

Date Posted: 19 May 2011
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
"Refresh" - Practical Tips for Dealing with Stress
Endure life's pressures with energy, determination and a clear mind. This three-session seminar provides practical, easy-to-apply lifestyle tips to reduce your stress and improve your total well-bein... [more]

Video No 2 / 3


Tick Tock: A Different Kind of Biological Clock (1/3)
by · 11568 views · HQ
Our body has different kinds of biological clocks. Recently, scientists have begun discovering a new biological clock called circaseptan rhythm. What is it? How does it relate to stress? Discover in this seminar. (more)
Could It Be This Simple? (2/3)
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We all want to have happiness, joy, enthusiasm and excitement in our life. Let's discover a simple remedy to have these in our life! (more)
Tips for Relieving Stress (3/3)
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Each year billions of dollars spend on stress relief "solution". Does it really have to cost that much? Discover 5 practical steps to managing stress that won't cost you a cent! (more)


How I Become Vegetarian
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Peter Sehm and his wife, Kaye, have been vegetarian for about 30 years. However Peter was not brought up as one. Peter was born in Germany and he ate all meats; mainly horse meat and sometime pig. What caused this c... (more)
The Laws of the Mind
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Whether we like it or not, we live under many different natural laws. The physical laws, like gravity, govern everything we do. If we break or even try to break a law, there will usually be unpleasant consequences a... (more)
FAQ - Deteriorating Memory
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My mother's memory has been deteriorating the last few years. I went to the doctor and recommended an Exelon patch. Are there other things that can help? (more)
The Fattening of America
by · 18232 views · HQ
It is no double that the obesity rate in any developed countries is on the rise. And worse, so it the rate of diseases that comes with it. Let's learn a simple health remedy from the Bible that will keep you healthy... (more)
Authentic Manhood
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To be a man is to be tough. Men don't ask for help, men don't cry and men can handle it all. Yet one man every four hours takes his own life in Australia alone. What has gone wrong? (more)
Dental Systemic Health
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What does your teeth have to do with the rest of your body? Most people will answer: nothing. You will be surprised! (more)
Effective Communication
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How is your communication with your spouse? When our lines of communication break down, everything else soon follows. This presentation provides practical principles on how to improve your communication. (more)
Empowering the Immune System
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We say so many times: My immune system is down. But what is our immune system? Let's find out what it is and how to keep it functioning optimally. (more)
Maximum Impact: Life at It's Best
by · 6370 views · LQ
When Daniel and his friend taken out of Israel, their life is really making a maximum impact to the Babylonian and Persian Empire. Wherever we are, God too wants us to make maximum impact into the world around us. L... (more)
Poultices & Their Applications
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Did you know an onion can help relieve a swollen bruise and charcoal can help to draw venom from a bite out of your body? Learn the simple but effective remedies of poultices made from such household items as potato... (more)
FAQ - Risk of Heart Disease
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I have a strong family history of heart disease. What can I do to lower my risks? (more)
Hormone Imbalance
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Did you know heavy periods, very painful periods, penal dysfunction, or even depression and heart diseases are the possible symptoms of hormone imbalance? Lets find out what trigger hormone imbalance in the body and... (more)