"Three Big Questions About Life" by Joe Leeteerakul

"Three Big Questions About Life" by Joe Leeteerakul [LQ]

Where am I from? Why am I here? Where am I going?

Date Posted: 18 Dec 2008
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Mental Disorders
by · 8654 views · HQ
Christian Psychiatrist Dr. Timothy R. Jennings answers questions about treating depression. (more)
How to Postpone Your Funeral
by · 10092 views · LQ
Many think that God only cares about our spiritual being. But that is not the case God care about our physical & emotional being as well. Let's find out. (more)
Dinosaur in History & Forklore
by · 12240 views · HQ
Were dinosaurs really extinct millions of years ago? This theory certainly contradicts the Bible. However, there is lots of scientific evidence that supports the Bible. (more)
Sistem Pencernaan & Sindrom Iritasi Usus (IBS)
by · 12195 views · HD
Banyak orang yang sering mengalami perut kembung, asam naik & iritasi usus. Tahukan Anda bahwa ini semua bisa di atasi hanya dengan mengubah pola makan? Mari kita pelajari bagaimana sistem pencernaan kita bekerj... (more)
Life At Its Best
by · 11199 views · LQ
In this lecture, the significance of primary nutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the diet is discussed. The importance of a whole food diet and secondary plan compounds for human health are are discussed ... (more)
Secret Knowledge - Emanuel Swedenborg
by · 6980 views · LQ
You probably never heard of Emanuel Swedenborg, but he help to put something on your high-school text book that he discover through spiritualism. Let's find out what it is and how it pretty much build the foundation... (more)
The Four Habits to Health
by · 8773 views · HQ
Did you know that your chances of heart attack, stores, cancer and diabetes can be significantly reduced by simple changes of your daily habit? Let's find out what they are! (more)
Can We Live Forever?
by · 8403 views · HQ
What is Prostate Cancer?
by · 8885 views · HQ
Dr. Lee Jackson, of Memorial Hospital Robotics and Urological Cancer, gives insights on what to watch for and what treatments are recommended for the prostate. (more)
Stress Management and Nutrition
by · 6289 views · LQ
Chocolates, lollies, and cake hmm… this is the kind of food most of us eat when we are stressed. But did you know what you eat have a big influence on your stress level? Let's find out! (more)
Gratitude Training
by · 10539 views · HQ
Did you know a grateful heart can keep your heartbeat steadier than resting or sleeping? Being grateful is not only good for your emotional health but also physical health! (more)
Acid Alkaline Balance
by · 80276 views · HD
Our pH level, the acid-alkaline measurement of our bodies, affects every cell in our body. A constantly imbalanced pH level may result in obesity, allergies, fatigue and many other unhealthy conditions. Let's find o... (more)