"Our Most Precious Treasure" by Joshua White

"Our Most Precious Treasure" by Joshua White [HQ]

Date Posted: 28 Jul 2016
Select Quality: LQ | HQ | HD
The Classroom of the Remnant
Theories abound in regard to the best practices for raising and educating children. But, what if today’s most common practices are actually doing our children more harm than good? Can we even k... [more]

Video No 3 / 3


A Thinking Generation (1/3)
by · 19987 views · HD
The urgent need for thinking in the last days – and Satan’s plan to prevent it (more)
Doing the Right Job at the Wrong Time (2/3)
by · 20206 views · HD
As parents, we all want the best for our children. But can the best of intention be damaging when given at the wrong time? (more)
Our Most Precious Treasure (3/3)
by · 19319 views · HD


Sistem Pencernaan & Sindrom Iritasi Usus (IBS)
by · 12195 views · HD
Banyak orang yang sering mengalami perut kembung, asam naik & iritasi usus. Tahukan Anda bahwa ini semua bisa di atasi hanya dengan mengubah pola makan? Mari kita pelajari bagaimana sistem pencernaan kita bekerj... (more)
Working Out
by · 8611 views · HQ
Get moving! Come to this presentation to hear about the latest research on exercise and how you can get fit and improve your total well-being. (more)
Tips for Relieving Stress
by · 11192 views · HQ
Each year billions of dollars spend on stress relief "solution". Does it really have to cost that much? Discover 5 practical steps to managing stress that won't cost you a cent! (more)
FAQ - Health Checkup
by · 8508 views · HQ
Why should I visit the doctor when I feel well? Won't it just end up in unnecessary costs? (more)
A Fresh Breath of Hope
by · 10853 views · HQ
What is hope? Do you have it? If you don't, how do you get it? Are you lonely? Are you hurt? Are you suffering due to injustice? There is a Saviour with an inexhaustable supply of hope - find answer to whatever situ... (more)
The Challenging Path
by · 15247 views · HD
We all like to take the easy way. We don't like the tough and challenging way. But in making a life decision, is the easy way the best way? (more)
How to Get Through Crisis
by · 6279 views · LQ
If you live long enough, you will know that we will go through many crisis in your life; if you haven’t, it just a matter of time. The Bible never promises that being a believer mean a crisis free life. However it d... (more)
Financial Advice from the World's Wealthiest Men and the World's Wisest Book
by · 12687 views · HQ
A lot of us out there say that we need some financial advice and we can’t trust the Wall Street anymore and we can’t trust the financial analyst of our day either. Let’s discover a financial advice... (more)
Death - Fried, Stewed and Broiled
by · 10248 views · HQ
Many believe that what we do with our body is up to us. But God says that our bodies are His temple. Let\'s discover what God meant by that and how can we avoid many of the terrible diseases that affect our communit... (more)
Mental First Aid - Mood & Food
by · 7526 views · HD
As we enter Lockdown 2.0, many are wondering how they will cope mentally and emotionally. Join Dr Jimmy Lam and Pr Chris Guo as they talk about the surprising link between the food we eat and our mood. (more)
Radical Prayer
by · 11996 views · HQ
"Help me to have a nice day" Did you remember these safe little prayer that your parent teaches you? Sadly most Christian never grows beyond these. When was the last time you prayed a life-changing prayer? (more)
The Laws of Health & Ancient Insights
by · 14093 views · HD