"The Coming King" by Doug Batchelor

"The Coming King" by Doug Batchelor [LQ]

Athaliah, the ruthless queen of Judah, was even more wicked than her mother Jezebel. When her son Ahaziah died, she quickly seized control of the kingdom by executing all of her grandsons who might reign in her place. "But Jehosheba, sister of Ahaziah, took Joash the son of Ahaziah, and they hid him from Athaliah, so that he was not slain...

Date Posted: 27 Nov 2008
Select Quality: LQ
Millennium of Prophecy
An eye-opening series about the end-times that will strengthen your faith and give you hope for your future. Follows the Storacles of Prophecy lessons series, which are available for download here ... [more]

Video No 3 / 24


The Millennial Man (1/24)
by · 10137 views · LQ
The vast kingdom of Babylon was opulent and prosperous, yet Nebuchadnezzar the king stirred in his royal bed. How long would this golden era last, he wondered, and what would become of his powerful empire when he wa... (more)
Back to Jerusalem (2/24)
by · 7586 views · LQ
The disciples of Jesus were completely devastated. All of their hopes and dreams for the new kingdom of God had been nailed to a cross the previous Friday. Reeling with grief and confusion, Cleopas and his companion... (more)
The Coming King (3/24)
by · 7757 views · LQ
Athaliah, the ruthless queen of Judah, was even more wicked than her mother Jezebel. When her son Ahaziah died, she quickly seized control of the kingdom by executing all of her grandsons who might reign in her plac... (more)
The Rebellious Prince (4/24)
by · 7032 views · LQ
Absalom was the most handsome, cunning, and ambitious of David's sons. The Bible says, "But in all Israel there was none to be so much praised as Absalom for his beauty: from the sole of his foot even to the crown o... (more)
The Supreme Sacrifice (5/24)
by · 7193 views · LQ
The sky was still dark when the old patriarch clearly heard God speak. "Abraham... Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offe... (more)
The Law of the King (6/24)
by · 7333 views · LQ
After Darius, king of the Medes and Persians, had conquered Babylon, he executed all Babylonian government officials, except one. That fortunate man was Daniel, a servant of the true God. Seventy years earlier, he h... (more)
Bricks Without Straw (7/24)
by · 7670 views · LQ
Before Moses approached the king of Egypt to seek freedom for the children of Israel, he and his brother, Aaron, met with the oppressed leaders of Israel. During this meeting, Moses and Aaron encouraged the people t... (more)
The Glorious Kingdom (8/24)
by · 7917 views · LQ
After Solomon was established as the new king of Israel, the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Ask what I shall give thee." 1 Kings 3:5. The young king could have requested money, fame, or long life, but he... (more)
The Witch of Endor (9/24)
by · 8381 views · LQ
King Saul was at his wit's end and trembling with fear. The entire Philistine army had gathered to attack Israel's smaller and weaker troops. Saul moaned, "If only Samuel were here, he would tell me what to do." But... (more)
Cities of Ash (10/24)
by · 6136 views · LQ
Abraham knew that his nephew was making a big mistake when Lot chose to move his family to Sodom. The cities of the lower Jordan valley were beautiful and lush, but they were also very corrupt. "The men of Sodom wer... (more)
A River of Life (11/24)
by · 7481 views · LQ
Naaman was a brave, rich, and famous commander for the armies of Syria who contracted leprosy, the most dreaded disease of Bible times. Leprosy meant isolation from loved ones and a slow, wretched death. A Hebrew sl... (more)
Resting the Land (12/24)
by · 8173 views · LQ
Our world was first created with a perfect balance in nature. Man, animals, and plants lived in total harmony. But with the entrance of sin, everything changed. Man started eating animals, and animals began eating e... (more)
Bowing to Babylon (13/24)
by · 10399 views · LQ
King Nebuchadnezzar gave the signal, and as the music from a thousand instruments began to swell, the curtain fell, exposing a dazzling, 90-foot image of gold glimmering in the sunlight. Then, according to King's co... (more)
The Mark of Cain (14/24)
by · 9866 views · LQ
Adam and Eve's first two sons differed vastly in their personalities and behavior. Cain longed to farm and build, while Abel loved to roam the hills and meadows with his flocks. After sin entered this new world b... (more)
A Heavenly Model (15/24)
by · 7917 views · LQ
Never before had the Lord manifested such mighty signs and wonders as when He delivered the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt. Plague after plague fell upon the Pharaoh's kingdom until he was forced to releas... (more)
Cleansing the Temple (16/24)
by · 8440 views · LQ
Jesus was visibly grieved as He entered the temple courtyard and surveyed the turmoil. On every hand He saw pens filled with sacrifice animals and heard salesman shouting and bargaining with visiting pilgrims for th... (more)
A Tale of Two Women (17/24)
by · 8698 views · LQ
A hush fell over the royal judgment hall, and all eyes were fixed on King Solomon. His servants wondered how the young monarch would resolve this perplexing case. Two single mothers were sharing a room, and each ... (more)
Windows of Heaven (18/24)
by · 8245 views · LQ
Jacob had never felt so destitute and alone - and it was all because he had been devious and greedy. First Jacob had bribed Esau, his elder twin, into selling his birthright. Then, with his mother's help, he tricke... (more)
The Daughter (19/24)
by · 9917 views · LQ
King Herod's wife, Herodias, hated John the Baptist. The desert-dwelling prophet had dared to call her an adulteress for leaving her husband Philip to marry his evil but wealthier brother. Now the wicked queen deter... (more)
Ten Times Wiser (20/24)
by · 8673 views · LQ
When King Nebuchadnezzar besieged the city of Jerusalem, thousands of Jews were taken away captive to Babylon. The king instructed his servant, Ashpenaz, to select gifted young men from among the Jewish captives who... (more)
Voice in the Wilderness (21/24)
by · 6623 views · LQ
Jesus said, "Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist." Matthew 11:11. What do we know about this solitary man whom Jesus called the greatest of the prophets? When Jo... (more)
A Jar of Oil (23/24)
by · 7039 views · LQ
Elisha could see that the young widow was desperate. She threw herself at the old prophet's feet and sobbed, "The creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves!" The woman's husband had died unexpectedly a... (more)
Above the Crowd (24/24)
by · 6105 views · LQ
Peter loved Jesus, but he also loved the approval of the crowd. During the last supper when Jesus warned the apostles that they would all forsake Him, Peter jumped to his feet and brashly vowed that even if all othe... (more)
Proving the Prophets (22/24)
by · 6284 views · LQ
The Bible predicted that in the last days the prophetic gift would appear. Yet it also warned us against false prophets. Let's learn Biblical principles on how to distinguish the true from the false! (more)


When a Woman Will Rule
by · 15059 views · HQ
In this session, we're going to put the cap sheet for the prophecies we've learned over the past sessions. Let's find out how the prophecies in Daniel 2, Daniel 7 & Revelation 13 come together! (more)
Is God Lost?
by · 12286 views · HQ
Why is it so hard for people to find God? (more)
The Millennial Man
by · 10137 views · LQ
The vast kingdom of Babylon was opulent and prosperous, yet Nebuchadnezzar the king stirred in his royal bed. How long would this golden era last, he wondered, and what would become of his powerful empire when he wa... (more)
God Still Moves Stones
by · 16505 views · HQ
It was Sunday morning, two days after the crucifixion. Two women found their way to the tomb of Jesus. What did they find there? What does it mean for us today? (more)
Why Did Jesus Die?
by · 23430 views · HD
How can Jesus dying on the cross save us from our sins? How does that help us to be more like Him? Does He really have to die in the process? (more)
Special Message to the Last Generation
by · 13694 views · HQ
The Bible contains many prophecies and none have failed yet. Find out what the Bible foretold about us - the last generations of this planet. (more)
The Mark of Cain
by · 9866 views · LQ
Adam and Eve's first two sons differed vastly in their personalities and behavior. Cain longed to farm and build, while Abel loved to roam the hills and meadows with his flocks. After sin entered this new world b... (more)
Tribulations Delusion
by · 9304 views · HQ
The Bible predicted seven years of tribulation. Now the question is when is this seven years? Is it after the "secret rapture"? after or before Jesus' second coming? Let's find out from the Bible. (more)
The Rock that Simple Will Not Roll - Part II
by · 8826 views · LQ
In the previous lessons, we have emphasized the importance of standing on the Rock of Christ, His Word, and His perfect law of love! Now, we are poised to grasp one of the issues in its larger significance. Lets fin... (more)
It is Finished
by · 12162 views · HQ
What did Jesus mean when at the cross he proclaimed "it is finished"? What was finished? Did something come to an end? (more)
Who Am I?
by · 5445 views · LQ
Who am I? Where can I get my identity from? Society dictates that our value and identity is determined by achievements, possessions, status and power. Unfortunately, these things do not last, resulting in a loss of ... (more)
Amazing Discoveries in the Lost Cities of the Dead
by · 14140 views · HQ
Let's take a journey to the centuries-old cities of the Middle East to discover the powerful secrets that impact your life today! (more)