"Seeing the Signs" by John Bradshaw

"Seeing the Signs" by John Bradshaw [HQ]

What is really going on in our world? Brilliant scientific minds such as astrophysicist Steven Hawking have made bizarre predictions about the future of planet earth. Current world events suggest something BIG is about to happen!

Date Posted: 07 May 2019
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Revelation Today - The Mysteries Revealed
Revelation Today - The Mysteries Revealed is a comprehensive study series that focuses on the prophecies of the Bible—especially the book of Revelation. Based entirely on the Word of God, Revela... [more]

Video No 2 / 19


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Peace on Earth (6/19)
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Seeing the Signs (2/19)
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The Work of the Spirit (19/19)
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The United States in Bible Prophecy (12/19)
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The Man God Tried to Kill (18/19)
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Quality Time (7/19)
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Can God Be Trusted? (1/19)
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Buried and Forgotten by God (14/19)
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We've all messed up and made mistakes. We've hurt other and have been hurt. What if your past could be washed away? (more)
The Mark of the Beast (13/19)
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The Day That Disappeared (8/19)
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The Second Coming of Jesus (5/19)
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Setting Up to be Decieved
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Even at the Gates
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How Will the World End?
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How will Jesus return to this planet? With so many contradicting theories on these topics from secret rapture to Jesus returning secretly to this planet, what does the Bible really say about this? Let's find out. (more)
Why So Many Denominations?
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It’s a jungle out there! Protestants are now divided into over 200 major denominations. If Christ is supposed to bring people together, why have His followers split into so many factions? Why do so many differ... (more)
Omens, How Near is the End?
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Harbingers of the End
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Does God Have a Special Message for Today?
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