"Why So Many Churches?" by Cristian Copaceanu

"Why So Many Churches?" by Cristian Copaceanu [HQ]

A quick internet search reveals thousands of different churches. Why so many? Are any right? Are any wrong? Does it matter? Discover the Bible’s simple answer to difficult questions that have challenged many

Date Posted: 16 Sep 2010
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iDiscover Revelation's Prophecies
Thinking people like yourself are deeply troubled by what is taking place globally on many fronts. They are wondering "What does the future hold?" iDiscover is a series of lectures that will help you... [more]

Video No 17 / 21


Is There Anything You Can Trust? (1/21)
by · 14673 views · HD
We begin our journey as we travel to the Middle East and unlock the ancient secrets of prophecy. We will discover a dependable source for knowing the future. Discover how the ancient prophecies can bring new hope wi... (more)
Who Will Be In Control? (2/21)
by · 13179 views · HD
Journey to Iraq and discover the ancient prophecy that foretells the world’s future. Pulling aside the curtain it highlights future events, revealing who will fix the deep seated global problems of our world. (more)
Global Warnings (3/21)
by · 15003 views · HD
Population Explosion, melting icecaps, peak oil, food crises. What will bring about the end of our world? The Bible predicts cataclysmic signs of the end to take place in our time. Join us as we gain understanding a... (more)
The Jesus Myth (4/21)
by · 14525 views · HD
Many think He is just a myth. Others use Him as only a curse. Either He is who He Claims to be, or else He is the greatest hoax of all history. A prophetic code found in ancient scrolls reveals who Jesus really was. (more)
Forever Young (6/21)
by · 14462 views · HD
Is the best yet to come? How can one find peace and hope in a world ravaged by global financial crisis, global climate change, global diseases, and global uncertainty? (more)
Rescue From Above (7/21)
by · 15317 views · HD
The signs of the times show the end is in sight. But what will it be like? Will it be a secret? Will some go while some stay? Discover clear Biblical insights into the greatest rescue mission in the history of the u... (more)
Monkey Business (8/21)
by · 13857 views · HD
The Bible provides amazing answers to life's questions - but so does science. Which is right? Did we evolve? Were we designed? Does it even matter? Discover irrefutable evidence regarding the origin of species (more)
Peace On Earth (9/21)
by · 14132 views · HD
Most people long for world peace - but the more we try, the more we fail. How can we have peaceful, loving homes, communities and societies? Discover the Bible's remarkably simple solution to joy and peace (more)
Stress-No-More (10/21)
by · 13766 views · HD
Every year billions of dollars are spent on stress relief "solutions". And every year statistics tell us that stress is exponentially increasing. Discover God's free, original and simple plan for permanent stress re... (more)
History’s Greatest Hoax (11/21)
by · 15622 views · HD
There have been many jokes and hoaxes throughout history, all in the name of fun. But when hoaxes hurt people, the joke isn't funny. Discover the greatest hoax in history that has robbed humanity of a priceless gift (more)
Life After Death (12/21)
by · 13768 views · HD
There are plenty of theories about life and death. But what really happens when we die? Do we go to heaven, hell, in-between, nowhere or somewhere? Discover the Bible's hope filled answer to life and death (more)
Where on Earth is Hell? (13/21)
by · 18462 views · HD
Would a loving God burn people in hell forever? Does hell even exist? If it does, who's in charge? If it doesn't how do you stop or punish evil? Discover clear Biblical insights about hell which provide hope and ass... (more)
Judging God (14/21)
by · 13729 views · HD
How can we be certain that God is loving, just, fair and merciful? What if God makes mistakes? Who keeps God accountable to make sure He gets it all right? Discover God on trial in the book of Revelation (more)
Control + Z (15/21)
by · 15909 views · HD
Don't you wish there was an "undo" button to life? The ability to press Ctrl + Z when you make a mistake? Wouldn't it be nice if you could start all over again? Discover the Bible's incredible "restart" button for l... (more)
Ancient Secrets 4 Modern Living (16/21)
by · 12214 views · HD
What group of people have the longest lifespan and the best quality of life? How can you experience life at its best, for free? Discover ancient health secrets proven accurate by science 3000 years after they were g... (more)
Why So Many Churches? (17/21)
by · 13684 views · HD
A quick internet search reveals thousands of different churches. Why so many? Are any right? Are any wrong? Does it matter? Discover the Bible’s simple answer to difficult questions that have challenged many (more)
The New World Order (18/21)
by · 13993 views · HD
Conspiracies come and go like the weather. But what does the Bible say about human affairs? About politics and religion? Discover an astounding Biblical prophecy that uncovers the secret agenda of the new world orde... (more)
666 (19/21)
by · 14334 views · HD
Is it a barcode? Is it a microchip? Is it a person? Is it bad? Is it good? Is it real? Does it even matter? Discover astonishing insights from the book of Revelation about 666 and the Mark of the Beast (more)
Final Call (21/21)
by · 12625 views · HD
Every flight has a “final boarding call” to ensure all passengers are on board. If you miss the call - you miss your flight. Discover God's final boarding call to humanity before our final destination is... (more)
If God Exist, Why There is Sufferring? (5/21)
by · 15963 views · HD
Broken families, street violence, diseases, disasters - why so many bad things happen to good and innocent people? Hear a mind boggling Star Wars battle, brought to light in Revelation, which involves every person o... (more)
Search for Certainty (20/21)
by · 14089 views · HD
In a confusing maze of religious options, how can we know where to turn? Does God still have a people He is leading? Discover Revelation's identifying marks of God's church and people right at the end of time (more)


God Has A Church On Earth
by · 9053 views · LQ
With so many different churches claiming to be the God's church, how can we be sure which is the God's true church? Let's find out from the Bible the characteristic of God's true church. (more)
The Final Message
by · 10061 views · HQ
Can we prepare ourselves for the end of the world, and how? In this last session, the answers to those tow questions will be addressed with details. You will find the incredible truth of an urgent message , a mess... (more)
Is There Anything You Can Trust?
by · 14673 views · HD
We begin our journey as we travel to the Middle East and unlock the ancient secrets of prophecy. We will discover a dependable source for knowing the future. Discover how the ancient prophecies can bring new hope wi... (more)
In Search for the True Church
by · 11423 views · HQ
N/A (more)
The Final Call
by · 19670 views · HQ
Throughout the history the Lord has never let any significant event happened without warning His people first. Let's find out what are the warning signs that the Bible says before the end of this world. (more)
The World's Next Superpower
by · 7324 views · LQ
Many believe in Nostradamus predictions about the future. True, some of those are true, but unknown to many people; most of his predictions are inaccurate. Let’s find out about Biblical prophecy that has never fail. (more)
Europe's Last Hour
by · 16897 views · HQ
Despite the unity and seems to be promising future of the European Union, the Bible has prophecies their destruction over 2500 years ago. Could the Bible be wrong? Let's find out! (more)
Two Preachers Who Quit Church
by · 13855 views · HQ
The Bible talks about preachers who quit. Who are these preachers? And what do they have to do with the reason that there are many denominations today? (more)
Solving the Riddle of Religious Confusion
by · 10004 views · HQ
Did you notice that every Christian church says that we have the truth? Did you notice every preacher said we are the right one, come follow us? How do you know which one of them is actually the truth? Let’s f... (more)
Anti-Christ: History's Greatest Cover Up
by · 6260 views · LQ
There has been confusion in the religious world on who is the predicted “anti-Christ”. Let’s discover what Jesus said and what are the characteristic of this anti-Christ so we can distinguish the false from the true... (more)
Fire in the Sky
by · 12420 views · HQ
How is Jesus going to come back to earth? Interestingly this is a highly disputed topic even among Christian's churches. Let's study the Bible to find out what the real truth about this and why it is very important ... (more)