"Rapture Delusion" by Steve Wohlberg

"Rapture Delusion" by Steve Wohlberg [HQ]

Many Christians believe that one day they will be vanish in a rapture. What does the Bible says about this?

Date Posted: 24 Nov 2011
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
End Time Delusions
Will true Christians vanish in a rapture? Will seven years of apocalyptic terror overtake those left behind? Will earth's nations attack Israel at Armageddon? Bestselling books like Left Behind and po... [more]

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Rapture Delusion (1/4)
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Many Christians believe that one day they will be vanish in a rapture. What does the Bible says about this? (more)
Tribulations Delusion (2/4)
by · 9302 views · HQ
The Bible predicted seven years of tribulation. Now the question is when is this seven years? Is it after the "secret rapture"? after or before Jesus' second coming? Let's find out from the Bible. (more)
Anti-Christ Delusion (3/4)
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When a Christian thinks of the anti-Christ, they generally think of one diabolical person. This leads them to start looking for who this one person might be, but what does the Bible actually says about the anti... (more)
Israel Delusion (4/4)
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Newsweek Magazine, 1st Nov 1999 says “The predominant emphasis in Christian prophecy is on the return of the Jews to the Holy Land and the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple”. This is what Christian... (more)


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Tribulations Delusion
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The Bible predicted seven years of tribulation. Now the question is when is this seven years? Is it after the "secret rapture"? after or before Jesus' second coming? Let's find out from the Bible. (more)
How Ancient Babylon Foretold the End
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