"If God Exist, Why There is Sufferring?" by Cristian Copaceanu

"If God Exist, Why There is Sufferring?" by Cristian Copaceanu [HQ]

Broken families, street violence, diseases, disasters - why so many bad things happen to good and innocent people? Hear a mind boggling Star Wars battle, brought to light in Revelation, which involves every person on earth including you!

Date Posted: 30 Sep 2010
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iDiscover Revelation's Prophecies
Thinking people like yourself are deeply troubled by what is taking place globally on many fronts. They are wondering "What does the future hold?" iDiscover is a series of lectures that will help you... [more]

Video No 5 / 21


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Where the Mammals Reign - Part II
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The Great Controversy
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N/A (more)
If God Exist, Why There is Sufferring?
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Broken families, street violence, diseases, disasters - why so many bad things happen to good and innocent people? Hear a mind boggling Star Wars battle, brought to light in Revelation, which involves every person o... (more)
From Evolutionist to Creationist
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Prof. Walter J. Veith is a university lecturer with a background in zoology, biomedical sciences, and research in archeology and history. He was also a strong believer in evolution. However, through an amazing journ... (more)
When a Person Dies, What Then?
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Tolstoy's Confessions
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Leo Tolstoy, arguably the greatest novel writer, like many who lived in the 1800s, believed in the idea of progress. The idea of mankind will progress itself to the state of Utopia, one day people will perfect thems... (more)
Monkey Business
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The Bible provides amazing answers to life's questions - but so does science. Did we evolve or were we designed? Which is right and does it even matter? Discover irrefutable evidence regarding the origin of spe... (more)
Where Do Human Beings Come From?
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Many scientists say that based on our DNA we are 98% similar to apes. But do you know that we are also 90% similar to mice and 35% similar to daffodils? Let see what Shawn accompanied by Dr Timothy Standish, a biolo... (more)
Where on Earth is Hell?
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Would a loving God burn people in hell forever? Does hell even exist? If it does, who's in charge? If it doesn't how do you stop or punish evil? Discover clear Biblical insights about hell which provide hope and ass... (more)
Secret Knowledge - Emanuel Swedenborg
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Tell Me How To Find My Loved Ones
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