"When Religion is Not Enough" by Peter Gregory

"When Religion is Not Enough" by Peter Gregory [HQ]

We might think we are save simply by going to church weekly, involved in small group or such. Matthew 24 has a clear warning for all of us. Let's find out!

Date Posted: 02 Dec 2010
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The Domino Effect
If someone asks you, 'What are the signs of the end of times?', what would be your answer? Earthquake? Famine? Persecution? Notice how most of these answers are related to our physical sufferings. How... [more]

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Setting Up to be Decieved (1/3)
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Are you curious about the future? Most people are desperate to be secure and be ready to whatever the future might bring. Let's find out the Biblical way of securing our future. (more)
When Religion is Not Enough (2/3)
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We might think we are save simply by going to church weekly, involved in small group or such. Matthew 24 has a clear warning for all of us. Let's find out! (more)
When Majority Choses to go the Wrong Way (3/3)
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Do you ever do something simply because everyone do it? If you do, there is nothing wrong with you, it is only human nature to follow the crowd. But the Bible warn us against such thing. Let's find out why! (more)


What is Heaven Really Like?
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There seems to be a lot of confusion about the subject of heaven! People have many different ideas about what heaven is like. Some think it’s unreal or just a state of mind. Why all the hazy, ambiguous opinion... (more)
When Religion is Not Enough
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We might think we are save simply by going to church weekly, involved in small group or such. Matthew 24 has a clear warning for all of us. Let's find out! (more)
Can an Educated Person Still Believe in the Bible?
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Global Warning
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Population explosion, melting ice caps, peak oil, food crises. What will bring about the end of our world? The Bible predicts cataclysmic signs of the end to take place in our time. (more)
Radical Prayer
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"Help me to have a nice day" Did you remember these safe little prayer that your parent teaches you? Sadly most Christian never grows beyond these. When was the last time you prayed a life-changing prayer? (more)
Is God Lost?
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Why is it so hard for people to find God? (more)
How Near is the End?
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Here at the Discover Prophecy Seminar we believe that Jesus is coming soon! But how do we know this is true? And how soon is soon? Haven’t people been saying that for many, many years? How can we be sure that the Se... (more)
Revelation's Answer for Human Suffering
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"If there is no pain, then there is no gain". Were we all meant to live with pain? "Growing pains" for the young, and pain as we decline in age. In our society today, there abounds Emotional, Mental, and Physical pa... (more)
The Prophecy Everybody Needs to Know
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God's Grace for the Millions
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The Bible reveals an amazing gift that God has for all of us. Let's find out what it is! (more)
The United States in Bible Prophecy
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The United States is unquestionably the most powerful nation on earth today. His political, economic, and military potency has caused many to inquire what role, if any, the United States would play in Bible Prophecy... (more)