"Rise of the Beast With the Number 666" by Kenneth Cox

"Rise of the Beast With the Number 666" by Kenneth Cox [HQ]

In the book of Revelation, the Bible prophecies about the rise of the beast with the number 666. Let's learn more about this prophecy and see how this prophecy is being fulfilled in our time, right in front of our eye.

Date Posted: 07 Apr 2011
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
The Time of the End
This series takes us through the great prophecies of God's word and makes the bible come alive. People are saying they have learned more in these 28 sessions than they have in the last 5 - 10 years of... [more]

Video No 5 / 28


The Final Call (1/28)
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Europe's Last Hour (2/28)
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Rise of the Anti-Christ (4/28)
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The word antichrist is often being misunderstood. When we use the word "anti" it mean against. But this is not what the Bible meant. Let's find out what the Bible really mean when it uses the word "Antichrist". (more)
Rise of the Beast With the Number 666 (5/28)
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In the book of Revelation, the Bible prophecies about the rise of the beast with the number 666. Let's learn more about this prophecy and see how this prophecy is being fulfilled in our time, right in front of our e... (more)
A Simple Step That Can Change Your Life (6/28)
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We all have made decisions that will affect the rest of our life. Let's find out about a simple step that God has asked us to take that will definitely change the rest of your life. (more)
God's Jurassic Park (7/28)
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Try showing primary school children a picture of a dinosaur, most of them will be able to name them. The Bible talk about beasts that has far more important meaning to us, yet not many knew about it. Let's find out! (more)
Born Half Dead (8/28)
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In John 3:3 Jesus said "...unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God". Let's find out what Jesus meant! (more)
Wake Up America (9/28)
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When the Bible mentions a nation, it is because of either this nation's influence upon the world or its influence upon God's people. Let's find out what the Bible says about the United State of America. (more)
When a Woman Will Rule (10/28)
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In this session, we're going to put the cap sheet for the prophecies we've learned over the past sessions. Let's find out how the prophecies in Daniel 2, Daniel 7 & Revelation 13 come together! (more)
Why Don't They Just Tell The Truth? (11/28)
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When we look at the world today and all the things around us that wants for our attention. There is only one person that can satisfy our soul. Money won't do it, education won't do it. Let's find out! (more)
The Everlasting Covenant (12/28)
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What would it mean to you if God says to you "If you would follow me and obey my voice, I will be your God and you will be a special treasure to me above all the people on earth" That will be something right? Let's ... (more)
Blind Man's Bluff (13/28)
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It's Your Last Chance (14/28)
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Does This Millennium Means Anything? (15/28)
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Many believe some terrible thing will happen by the year 2000, others says the millennia doesn't start until 2001, etc. What we need to understand is what God's word says! So let's find out! (more)
The Time of the End (16/28)
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Revelation 10 is a chapter that many commentaries pass by, not many sermons talks about it, yet it is a very important chapter for us today. Let's study this chapter! (more)
Fire in the Sky (17/28)
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How is Jesus going to come back to earth? Interestingly this is a highly disputed topic even among Christian's churches. Let's study the Bible to find out what the real truth about this and why it is very important ... (more)
Living Water (18/28)
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The Bible says when we come to Christ, we become a stream of living water and out of us flow the living water. Let's find out what the Bible meant. (more)
The Shout of the Lord (19/28)
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When God speaks, things come to being, when God shout, definite things happen. Let's discover what will God shouting when He returns to earth. (more)
The Fattening of America (20/28)
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It is no double that the obesity rate in any developed countries is on the rise. And worse, so it the rate of diseases that comes with it. Let's learn a simple health remedy from the Bible that will keep you healthy... (more)
So Many Blessing You Can't Count Them (21/28)
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The Mark of the Beast (22/28)
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This is a topic that a lot of people have questions about. Let's study the Bible together! (more)
The Church in Wilderness (23/28)
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When God created men, it was perfect, but sin comes and destroys it. Unfortunately the Bible also prophecies the same thing will happen to with God's church. Let's discover from the Bible how to find God's true chur... (more)
The Loud Cry, Did You Hear It? (24/28)
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Did you hear the loud cry? You're probably too distracted to hear it. It is an absolutely vital in your Christian experience. If you don't understand what is this about then listen up! (more)
Mercy of God & The End of the World (25/28)
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Where can eternal life be found? Some people think they can communicate with the dead and life can be found there. The Bible is clear that eternal life cannot be found in mankind. So let's find out how! (more)
To You is Promised a Wonderful Gift (26/28)
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Did you know that every person that born into the kingdom of God, born as a missionary? We are to be a witness for God and there is no exception. But God don't just leave you there; let's find out a wonderful gift t... (more)
Tell Me How To Find My Loved Ones (27/28)
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It's Time To Grow Up (28/28)
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How Near is the End?
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N/A (more)
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