"Finding Rest in a Busy World" by Darren Croft

"Finding Rest in a Busy World" by Darren Croft [LQ]

Everyone is busy, too busy. Find a simple and surprising solution to a wound up world.

Date Posted: 29 Sep 2011
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
Unlocking the Past, Present & Future
The Bible contains a lot of prophecies with symbolism that seems hard to understand, but it might not as complicated as you think. Let's go through some of these prophecies that will reveal to us what... [more]

Video No 8 / 5


'X' Mark the Spot - The Bible Treasure Map (3/5)
by · 9876 views · HQ
The Bible contains surprising prophecies outlining the past, present and future events on earth with clearity and authority. (more)
Question & Answer 1 (2/5)
by · 5551 views · HQ
Mat 24:40-41 says "Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left". Isn't this is what's called the "secret rapt... (more)
Question & Answer 2 (3/5)
by · 5588 views · HQ
In the previous presentation, we've talked about the events that leading the second coming. But those events seem to be a bit scary. How can I be prepared for those events? (more)
The Greatest War - The Story That Make Sense of Life (4/5)
by · 8702 views · HQ
The greatest stories told tell the story of how good triumphs over evil against all the odds. Peer behind the curtain and hear the story that make sense of the chaos that is life. (more)
Question & Answer 3 (5/5)
by · 5912 views · HQ
Some believe that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday instead of Friday or the preparation day to make the up the three day. Let's find out the answer. (more)
Life After Death (6/5)
by · 9751 views · HQ
There are plenty of theories about life and death. But what really happens when we die? Do we go to heaven, hell, in-between, nowhere or somewhere? Discover the Bible's hope filled answer to life and death. (more)
Question & Answer 4 (7/5)
by · 5658 views · HQ
Luke 16:19-31 talks about the rich man and Lazarus. When they died, one went to heaven and one to hell. Doesn't this conflict with the previous lecture? (more)
Finding Rest in a Busy World (8/5)
by · 9418 views · HQ
Everyone is busy, too busy. Find a simple and surprising solution to a wound up world. (more)


by · 10029 views · HQ
Every year billions of dollars are spent on stress relief "solutions". And every year statistics tell us that stress is exponentially increasing. Discover God's free, original and simple plan for permanent stress re... (more)
7th Day to Sunday
by · 6516 views · LQ
Out of 39000 different denomination of Christian church, only about 1% observed the Biblical Sabbath. Then why is it so most Christians observe sunday instead of the Biblical Sabbath? Let's find out! (more)
Memory Lapse & Monkey Business
by · 7085 views · LQ
With the ever more competitive world we live in, is there any permanent solution to human stress? Let's find out a Biblical solution to stress that human seems to have forgotten (more)
The Sign That You Belong
by · 9525 views · HQ
Technology and travel enable us to connect like never before but loneliness, isolation and depression are also increasing. Are your connections superficial? God wants to connect with you deeply – you are on Hi... (more)
The Seventh Day Sabbath
by · 6935 views · LQ
Exodus 20:8 says "Remember the Sabbath-day by keep it holy...". What is so important with the Sabbath anyway? Let's find out! (more)
History’s Greatest Hoax
by · 15622 views · HD
There have been many jokes and hoaxes throughout history, all in the name of fun. But when hoaxes hurt people, the joke isn't funny. Discover the greatest hoax in history that has robbed humanity of a priceless gift (more)
How to keep the Sabbath
by · 15385 views · LQ
When God promises something, He never fails. In keeping the Sabbath the Lord makes promises that will change your life and give you assurance and security in this troubled world. (more)
Celebration in the Empire
by · 16961 views · HQ
Discover how the Sabbath can strengthen our rest in Jesus (more)
The Sabbath - What's the Big Deal?
by · 5615 views · LQ
What is so important about the Sabbath? one day is as good as another right? (more)
Why Sunday?
by · 6850 views · LQ
Do you ever wonder why you going to church on Sunday? It is clear from the Bible that the day of worship is Saturday. How can the churches got it confused? (more)
A Centuries Old Remedy of Stress
by · 11373 views · HQ
If there is one thing that kill the most men in our society that will be stress. How can we avoid it? Let’s find out about the centuries’ old remedy to solve the problem of stress. (more)
A Rest Along the Way
by · 6295 views · LQ
There was a vision of man that computer will be so powerful to do everything for us that the only thing human being need to think is how to spend our leisure time. But it didn’t work out did it? Human work more and ... (more)