"Finding Rest in a Busy World" by Darren Croft

"Finding Rest in a Busy World" by Darren Croft [HQ]

Everyone is busy, too busy. Find a simple and surprising solution to a wound up world.

Date Posted: 29 Sep 2011
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
Unlocking the Past, Present & Future
The Bible contains a lot of prophecies with symbolism that seems hard to understand, but it might not as complicated as you think. Let's go through some of these prophecies that will reveal to us what... [more]

Video No 8 / 5


'X' Mark the Spot - The Bible Treasure Map (3/5)
by · 9676 views · HQ
The Bible contains surprising prophecies outlining the past, present and future events on earth with clearity and authority. (more)
Question & Answer 1 (2/5)
by · 5416 views · HQ
Mat 24:40-41 says "Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left". Isn't this is what's called the "secret rapt... (more)
Question & Answer 2 (3/5)
by · 5453 views · HQ
In the previous presentation, we've talked about the events that leading the second coming. But those events seem to be a bit scary. How can I be prepared for those events? (more)
The Greatest War - The Story That Make Sense of Life (4/5)
by · 8529 views · HQ
The greatest stories told tell the story of how good triumphs over evil against all the odds. Peer behind the curtain and hear the story that make sense of the chaos that is life. (more)
Question & Answer 3 (5/5)
by · 5784 views · HQ
Some believe that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday instead of Friday or the preparation day to make the up the three day. Let's find out the answer. (more)
Life After Death (6/5)
by · 9561 views · HQ
There are plenty of theories about life and death. But what really happens when we die? Do we go to heaven, hell, in-between, nowhere or somewhere? Discover the Bible's hope filled answer to life and death. (more)
Question & Answer 4 (7/5)
by · 5517 views · HQ
Luke 16:19-31 talks about the rich man and Lazarus. When they died, one went to heaven and one to hell. Doesn't this conflict with the previous lecture? (more)
Finding Rest in a Busy World (8/5)
by · 9221 views · HQ
Everyone is busy, too busy. Find a simple and surprising solution to a wound up world. (more)


Bricks Without Straw
by · 7669 views · LQ
Before Moses approached the king of Egypt to seek freedom for the children of Israel, he and his brother, Aaron, met with the oppressed leaders of Israel. During this meeting, Moses and Aaron encouraged the people t... (more)
Authority and Tradition
by · 6611 views · LQ
Ever since 4th century, religion were enforced by the civil laws, and anyone with different opinion would be punish with a death penalty. Lets discover a long brave fight of William Roger to seperate religion and ci... (more)
Celebration in the Empire
by · 16542 views · HQ
Discover how the Sabbath can strengthen our rest in Jesus (more)
Tick Tock - A Different Kind of Biological Clock
by · 6869 views · LQ
Stressed? Tired out? Never have enough time? This fascinating seminar explores the concept of rest and how it maximises time. The scientific concepts of daily and weekly rest are investigated in both science and the... (more)
Baptized Paganism - Part I
by · 13166 views · LQ
The history and development of Paganism and Christianity has been going on since the beginning of time. Learn how they have influenced our lives. (more)
by · 9822 views · HQ
Every year billions of dollars are spent on stress relief "solutions". And every year statistics tell us that stress is exponentially increasing. Discover God's free, original and simple plan for permanent stress re... (more)
The Sign That You Belong
by · 9305 views · HQ
Technology and travel enable us to connect like never before but loneliness, isolation and depression are also increasing. Are your connections superficial? God wants to connect with you deeply – you are on Hi... (more)
Sabbath Covenant
by · 11887 views · LQ
God wants to make a covenant with you. What is it? What is involved? Blessings that you have never.dreamed of are available. (more)
by · 13443 views · HD
Every year billions of dollars are spent on stress relief "solutions". And every year statistics tell us that stress is exponentially increasing. Discover God's free, original and simple plan for permanent stress re... (more)
Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath
by · 12867 views · LQ
Why did Jesus say He was Lord of the Sabbath? What does this mean and does it affect our lives today? Is there something about that day that makes it different than any other day? Here are some very special reasons ... (more)
Counterfeit in the Empire
by · 17003 views · HQ
How the Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday (more)
History’s Greatest Hoax
by · 15292 views · HD
There have been many jokes and hoaxes throughout history, all in the name of fun. But when hoaxes hurt people, the joke isn't funny. Discover the greatest hoax in history that has robbed humanity of a priceless gift (more)