"Unlocking the Past, Present & Future" by Pr. Darren Croft

The Bible contains a lot of prophecies with symbolism that seems hard to understand, but it might not as complicated as you think. Let's go through some of these prophecies that will reveal to us what will happen in the future and why you should care!

Darren Croft has been in the Ministry for nearly twenty years. During his studies in Theology at Avondale College, he received the Clifford Anderson Award in recognition of outstanding performance as a student and for the exhibition of ministerial potential. In his last year of study, he was a volunteer Youth Pastor at Avondale Memorial Church.

Release Date: 22 Sep 2011

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Question & Answer 1 (2/5)
by · 5551 views · HQ
Mat 24:40-41 says "Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left". Isn't this is what's called the "secret rapt... (more)
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'X' Mark the Spot - The Bible Treasure Map (3/5)
by · 9876 views · HQ
The Bible contains surprising prophecies outlining the past, present and future events on earth with clearity and authority. (more)
Question & Answer 2 (3/5)
by · 5588 views · HQ
In the previous presentation, we've talked about the events that leading the second coming. But those events seem to be a bit scary. How can I be prepared for those events? (more)
The Greatest War - The Story That Make Sense of Life (4/5)
by · 8702 views · HQ
The greatest stories told tell the story of how good triumphs over evil against all the odds. Peer behind the curtain and hear the story that make sense of the chaos that is life. (more)
Question & Answer 3 (5/5)
by · 5912 views · HQ
Some believe that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday instead of Friday or the preparation day to make the up the three day. Let's find out the answer. (more)
Life After Death (6/5)
by · 9751 views · HQ
There are plenty of theories about life and death. But what really happens when we die? Do we go to heaven, hell, in-between, nowhere or somewhere? Discover the Bible's hope filled answer to life and death. (more)
Question & Answer 4 (7/5)
by · 5658 views · HQ
Luke 16:19-31 talks about the rich man and Lazarus. When they died, one went to heaven and one to hell. Doesn't this conflict with the previous lecture? (more)
Finding Rest in a Busy World (8/5)
by · 9418 views · HQ
Everyone is busy, too busy. Find a simple and surprising solution to a wound up world. (more)