"Setting Up to be Decieved" by Peter Gregory

"Setting Up to be Decieved" by Peter Gregory [HQ]

Are you curious about the future? Most people are desperate to be secure and be ready to whatever the future might bring. Let's find out the Biblical way of securing our future.

Date Posted: 25 Nov 2010
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The Domino Effect
If someone asks you, 'What are the signs of the end of times?', what would be your answer? Earthquake? Famine? Persecution? Notice how most of these answers are related to our physical sufferings. How... [more]

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Setting Up to be Decieved (1/3)
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Are you curious about the future? Most people are desperate to be secure and be ready to whatever the future might bring. Let's find out the Biblical way of securing our future. (more)
When Religion is Not Enough (2/3)
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We might think we are save simply by going to church weekly, involved in small group or such. Matthew 24 has a clear warning for all of us. Let's find out! (more)
When Majority Choses to go the Wrong Way (3/3)
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Do you ever do something simply because everyone do it? If you do, there is nothing wrong with you, it is only human nature to follow the crowd. But the Bible warn us against such thing. Let's find out why! (more)


To You is Promised a Wonderful Gift
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Did you know that every person that born into the kingdom of God, born as a missionary? We are to be a witness for God and there is no exception. But God don't just leave you there; let's find out a wonderful gift t... (more)
Language of Music
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When we talked about music, most think that there are only 2 options: the absolutely destructive contemporary music or the good old classic. This is not true. Let's establish a good musical principle that you can ap... (more)
The Roman Empire
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When we think of Rome, we think of the Colosseum and many other ancient wonder that is in it. But now let us visit Rome and discover the two great wonder that disciples John saw... in the sky. (more)
What About Baptism? Is It Really Necessary Today?
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Europe's Last Hour
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Despite the unity and seems to be promising future of the European Union, the Bible has prophecies their destruction over 2500 years ago. Could the Bible be wrong? Let's find out! (more)
Mindset in the Midst of Crisis
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Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures; unprecedented measures lead to unprecedented responses. How can we be more ready to face these unprecedented time of our life? (more)
The Glorious Kingdom
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After Solomon was established as the new king of Israel, the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Ask what I shall give thee." 1 Kings 3:5. The young king could have requested money, fame, or long life, but he... (more)
Guilty Sinner to Forgiven Saint
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What if someone can dig up your past, knowing everything you ever did? What affect will this have on their opinion about you? Well, the Bible says God will do just that at the end time. Are going to be qualified for... (more)
What Does It Mean to Worship God?
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What does it mean to worship God? Is it the songs I sing, the prayers I pray, the money I give? Find out what it truly means to worship God as Pr Chris Guo speaks about this important topic. (more)
Omens, How Near is the End?
by · 6360 views · LQ
Pompeii is a very large city of Italy, despite many smaller earth quakes from the nearby mountain the people failed to take action and most died when the mountain erupt. Is it possible that we too are ignoring the s... (more)
Final Call
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Every flight has a "final boarding call" to ensure all passengers are on board. If you miss the call - you miss your flight. Discover God's final boarding call to humanity before our final destination is forever sea... (more)
Steps to Spiritual Freedom
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Do you feel sometimes as if you are captive to guilt, discouragement, deep-seated addictions, abuse, self-centredness or low self-esteem? The good news is that a loving God has developed a rescue plan for you. (more)