"When God Got Robbed" by Charles D. Brooks

"When God Got Robbed" by Charles D. Brooks [HQ]

Pay attention to how many security cameras are watching you as you go to work today. The world is full of crime, but worse - are people stealing from God too?

Date Posted: 02 Apr 2009
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
Breath of Life
Charles D. Brooks may have retired from his 22 years as speaker/director of the Breath of Life telecast, but I doubt he will ever retire until he "retires". This legendary preacher continues to captiv... [more]

Video No 21 / 28


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Two Preachers Who Quit Church (9/28)
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Is Humanity Hopeless? (10/28)
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When God Got Robbed (21/28)
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Death - Fried, Stewed and Broiled (23/28)
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When God Didn't Know the Answer (24/28)
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Knock Out Your Eyes, Cut Off Your Head (26/28)
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The Punitive Death of a Righteous Man (27/28)
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Alas My Brother (28/28)
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N/A (more)
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