"The Best is Yet to Come" by Mark Finley

"The Best is Yet to Come" by Mark Finley [HQ]

Whether you're rich or poor, healthy or sick, young or old, happy or devastated, calm or stressed out, the best is yet to come.

Date Posted: 06 Nov 2008
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
A Man for All Time - The Incomparable Christ
Did you ever feel that no one cares? As if you are living life all alone? In A Man for All Time - The Incomparable Christ, Pastor Mark Finley features various aspects of Christ's life to illustrate th... [more]

Video No 7 / 7


On Your Own (1/7)
by · 14684 views · HQ
Although everyone might forsake us, God never leaves His children on their own. So even though disaster looms around every corner, the promises of God continue to give hope to His children of His unfailing love, sup... (more)
The Meaning of the Cross (2/7)
by · 19102 views · HQ
Do you understand the meaning of the cross? Do you believe that Jesus' death can make a difference in your life today? Let's uncover how the death of a man over 2000 years ago enables us to have a second chance. (more)
It is Finished (3/7)
by · 12161 views · HQ
What did Jesus mean when at the cross he proclaimed "it is finished"? What was finished? Did something come to an end? (more)
God Still Moves Stones (4/7)
by · 16505 views · HQ
It was Sunday morning, two days after the crucifixion. Two women found their way to the tomb of Jesus. What did they find there? What does it mean for us today? (more)
An Advance on Eternity (5/7)
by · 10460 views · HQ
When does eternity begin? Is it after the second coming? Or can eternity begin now? (more)
A Fresh Breath of Hope (6/7)
by · 10853 views · HQ
What is hope? Do you have it? If you don't, how do you get it? Are you lonely? Are you hurt? Are you suffering due to injustice? There is a Saviour with an inexhaustable supply of hope - find answer to whatever situ... (more)
The Best is Yet to Come (7/7)
by · 18971 views · HQ
Whether you're rich or poor, healthy or sick, young or old, happy or devastated, calm or stressed out, the best is yet to come. (more)


Essence of Life
by · 9433 views · HQ
Did you know that by simply drinking enough water you can reduce your risk of cancer by 97% and help you to lose weight? Yet, it is estimated that 75% Australian are not drinking enough water and in 37% of us, the t... (more)
The Four Habits to Health
by · 8773 views · HQ
Did you know that your chances of heart attack, stores, cancer and diabetes can be significantly reduced by simple changes of your daily habit? Let's find out what they are! (more)
The Fatal Attraction of the Cults
by · 11667 views · HQ
Throughout the centuries, the devil has a strategy that if he cannot stop us from worshipping the creator God, he will confuses our mind and create a cult to deceive us into worshipping him instead. Let’s find... (more)
Totally Nuts
by · 18028 views · HQ
A seriously funny look at investing – our tendency to store up "acorns" and build bigger "barns". It's a tough-love message for anyone with a successful business, trusts or investments. (more)
The Glorious Kingdom
by · 7917 views · LQ
After Solomon was established as the new king of Israel, the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Ask what I shall give thee." 1 Kings 3:5. The young king could have requested money, fame, or long life, but he... (more)
Has Holy Wedlock Become Unholy Deadlock?
by · 8553 views · LQ
Almost all of us have or will have relationship and marriage in our live. But why so many of marriages end up in divorce? Let's find out the Biblical principles of marriage and how to keep it together. (more)
Surprising Answer to Stress
by · 15038 views · HQ
Work, work and more work. It seems that the world expects more and more from us. But - great news - the Bible has an answer to our stress that people seem to have forgotten. See how Mark will help us to uncover it. (more)
Carbohydrates - The Frenemy
by · 9120 views · HQ
Carbohydrates: friend or foe? (more)
Who is God?
by · 5523 views · LQ
Does God really exist, or is He just the imagination of millions of Christians? And if He does really exists, who is He? (more)
The Jesus Myth
by · 14265 views · HD
Many think He is just a myth. Others use Him as only a curse. Either He is who He Claims to be, or else He is the greatest hoax of all history. A prophetic code found in ancient scrolls reveals who Jesus really was. (more)
Mental First Aid - Mood & Sleep
by · 7069 views · HD
When should I go to bed? How much sleep is too much? How much is too little? More than half of Australians suffers from at least one symptom of sleeping troubles. Disruption in our sleep patterns can affect our mood... (more)
FAQ - Dangers of Statins
by · 17694 views · HQ
I have been on a statin for several years. I have read much on the internet about the dangers of long term station use. What is your opinion? (more)