"Baptized Paganism - Part II" by Kenneth Cox

"Baptized Paganism - Part II" by Kenneth Cox [LQ]

A subject that will open your eyes to where many of the things we believe came from and how they affect us. You will be surprised how a simple act can change the Whole course of history and leave people in darkness.

Date Posted: 04 Nov 2010
Select Quality: LQ

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Give Me The Bible - The Sabbath
What did the Bible says about the Sabbath and what does this mean to me? Speaker and Evangelist, Kenneth Cox, in his public ministry has covered most of the world. He has specialized in world history... [more]

Video No 3 / 5


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Baptized Paganism - Part I (2/5)
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The history and development of Paganism and Christianity has been going on since the beginning of time. Learn how they have influenced our lives. (more)
Baptized Paganism - Part II (3/5)
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A subject that will open your eyes to where many of the things we believe came from and how they affect us. You will be surprised how a simple act can change the Whole course of history and leave people in darkness. (more)
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