"The Brain References" by Dr. Arlene Taylor

Arlene R. Taylor PhD, one of the world's leading speakers on brain function, is sometimes referred to as the brain guru. She specializes in simplifying this complex topic of brain function, with the goal of helping individuals learn to thrive by design. Whether through keynote addresses, seminars, consulting, coaching, television and radio, or her books, CDs, and DVDs, success stories pour in from the four corners of the world. Her books are a must-read. Her profound and illuminating seminars are life-changing.

Taylor has spoken to thousands of people at conferences internationally. She is a sought-after charismatic speaker who presents practical brain function information in entertaining, educational, and empowering ways.

Dr. Taylor is founder and president of Realizations Inc, a non-profit corporation that engages in brain-function research and provides related educational resources.

Release Date: 15 May 2014

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