"How to Study & Understand the Bible" by Geoff Youlden

"How to Study and Understand the Bible" by Geoff Youlden [HQ]

Everybody wants to be happy. From children stories to marriage ceremonies, the ideal is always one that ends with happily ever after. Unfortunately, not many people are able to find happiness. Many unhappy millionaires have said that they thought their money would make them happy. So do we have any hope of happiness?

Date Posted: 22 Dec 2011
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Life After Life
TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE Throughout the world, men and women have an inner desire that extends beyond the accumulation of wealth and living a comfortable lifestyle. "In this series I will share with... [more]

Video No 4 / 16


Life After Life (1/16)
by · 10902 views · HQ
In 1997, 39 members of Heaven's Gate movement take their own life believing comet Hale-Bopp is the apocalytic sign for them to move to the next life. As strange as it sounds there are plenty of after life theor... (more)
Why You Can Be Assured of a Wonderful Future (2/16)
by · 10578 views · HQ
You can turn to the paranormal, the stars in heaven or crystal ball, but the fact is no one on earth can foretell the future. However, Jesus said that His whole reputation is based on foretelling the future. (more)
The Secret of Happiness (3/16)
by · 10301 views · HQ
Everybody wants to be happy. From children stories to marriage ceremonies, the ideal is always one that ends with happily ever after. Unfortunately, not many people are able to find happiness. Many unhappy millionai... (more)
How to Study & Understand the Bible (4/16)
by · 12073 views · HQ
Everybody wants to be happy. From children stories to marriage ceremonies, the ideal is always one that ends with happily ever after. Unfortunately, not many people are able to find happiness. Many unhappy millionai... (more)
The Unfolding of Apocalypse (5/16)
by · 12721 views · HQ
In 1960 - 15 years after the end of WWII - two Japanese soldiers were found hiding in Guam in the bush. Believing the war was still raging, these two soldiers lived like animals while Japan had since experience econ... (more)
The Forgotten Secret - The Answers to Stress (6/16)
by · 12888 views · HQ
You don't have to look far to see the stress and disparity around us. 50% of marriages fail and the number of abuse and violence related crimes is ever increasing. Obviously, this is not what God intended for us. In... (more)
The Anti-Christ (7/16)
by · 12715 views · HQ
Despite many different opinions of who the anti-Christ is, but the Bible clearly identifies the anti-Christ as someone who will attempt to “change time and the law of God”. Let’s find out about the... (more)
A Fatal Mistake (8/16)
by · 11888 views · HQ
In the book Ephesians 2:15 said the law has been abolished, or in another word has been done away. But in James 2:11, James said the law is eternally binding. Is the Bible contradicting itself?  (more)
Why So Many Denominations? (9/16)
by · 12181 views · HQ
There are plenty of reasons why we belong to one church. Some for financial/business advantage, some for relationship reasons, and for most, it will be because we were brought up that way. Paul warned us that corrup... (more)
Start Your New Beginning Now! (11/16)
by · 10032 views · HQ
Most of us have been in the situation where you have to say goodbye to our friend and/or love one before they pass away. In time like these, chances are you won't talk about the weather of something useless, just th... (more)
The Cursed Chapter of the Book of Daniel (12/16)
by · 17132 views · HQ
The book of Daniel contains many amazing prophecies. However one of them is especially cursed by a certain group of people. It not meant to be read nor studied and to be sealed forever. Let’s find out what it ... (more)
What is Jesus Doing in Heaven Today? (13/16)
by · 14217 views · HQ
Let’s find out from the Bible! (more)
How to Live Longer & Avoid Premature Diseases (10/16)
by · 12309 views · HQ
Very often we don’t consider our health until we lose it! Our health is one of the most precious gifts we have. Recent research has concluded that 9 out of 10 people die prematurely. Interestingly the Bible ... (more)
The Two Convenants (14/16)
by · 10591 views · HQ
In Eph 2:11, the Bible says if you are a Gentile (non-Jewish) then you have no hope, without the convenant and without God in the world. Therefore is there any hope for the rest of us? (more)
Why I Joined the Oldest Church (15/16)
by · 11274 views · HQ
Which church is the oldest church? Let's find out from the Bible! You will be surprised! (more)
The Unpardonable Sin (16/16)
by · 10845 views · HQ
The Bible talks about one sin that God can never forgive. Why and what is it? (more)


How to Study the Bible
by · 7918 views · HD
Let's learn some of the ways to study the Bible in a rich and very meaningful ways! (more)
Good God, Bad World - Why?
by · 15805 views · HQ
If God is so good, then why is the world is so bad? This is a question that we have all asked at some stage. See what the Bible has to say on this matter and discover the reasons behind all the evil in the world. (more)
Two Preachers Who Quit Church
by · 13855 views · HQ
The Bible talks about preachers who quit. Who are these preachers? And what do they have to do with the reason that there are many denominations today? (more)
The Connection Between Spring Festival and The Bible
by · 23642 views · HQ
Chinese are proud of their 4000 years of history. Yet, do you know there are striking similarity between the origin of the Chinese Spring Festival and the Biblical Passover? (more)
The Dead Sea Caves
by · 8827 views · LQ
In this program we will be going to the lowest place on earth, the Dead Sea. Let's find out about the remarkable discovery in the caves of the Dead Sea. (more)
The Open Space in Orion
by · 34814 views · HQ
Is the Bible really an out of date book? Discover how a vision that God gave to Job thousands of years ago reveals facts about the universe that modern science has only just been able to discover recently. (more)
Who is Jesus?
by · 5904 views · LQ
Do you ever feel that emptiness/thirst in your heart that never goes away? Many tries to fill it in with more money, more car, etc with no result. Let's find out the Biblical answer to this so that you wil... (more)
We Can Believe in God
by · 10013 views · HQ
Did you ever notice that life on earth as we know it sustained by an exploding hydrogen bomb called the sun? Did you ever stop to wonder how many incredibly complicated systems in your body have to function in perfe... (more)
Scripture Study Skills
by · 7366 views · HD
Let's learn some of the ways to study the Bible in a rich and very meaningful ways! (more)
Who is the Father?
by · 5619 views · LQ
With so many different interpretation of "Who is God" out there (even among the Cristian Churches) how do we know which one is the true one? Let's find out. (more)
Good God, Bad World, Why?
by · 9270 views · LQ
In a world where natural disasters, famine and murder are abundant, many individuals lash out at God, or even give up on Him. Amidst incredible suffering, can you still believe in God? Watch this week as Pastor Boon... (more)
Everyone Believes Something
by · 9414 views · HQ
Are you happy with your relationships, attitudes and dreams? They are shaped by what you believe about yourself and the world. Discover the evidence for the relevance of the Bible and its power to bring a change in ... (more)