"Is the Bible God's Word" by Mark Finley & Shawn Boonstra

"Is the Bible Gods Word" by Mark Finley and Shawn Boonstra [LQ]

How can we know for sure that the Bible is divinely inspired? Join Pastor Boonstra and Pastor Finley as they delve into this subject and discuss archeological and historical evidence that the Bible is, in fact, the Word of God.

Date Posted: 03 Oct 2008
Select Quality: LQ
The Big Five Questions About Life
Does God really exist? This question and others like it are often the subject of heated debates. This thought-provoking series, featuring Pastor Shawn Boonstra and Pastor Mark Finley, uses Bible texts... [more]

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Does God Really Exist? (1/5)
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In this modern age, is there any proof that God really exists, or is He just a fairy tale dreamed up by humanity to make us feel better about the brutality of human existence? Tune in as we look at one of the most f... (more)
Is the Bible God's Word (2/5)
by · 9231 views · LQ
How can we know for sure that the Bible is divinely inspired? Join Pastor Boonstra and Pastor Finley as they delve into this subject and discuss archeological and historical evidence that the Bible is, in fact, the ... (more)
Is Jesus God? (3/5)
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Almost everyone recognizes Jesus as a good man and a capable teacher, and much of the world reveres Him as God in human flesh. Just who was Jesus of Nazareth? Was He really the Son of God? Tune in as Pastor Boonstra... (more)
Good God, Bad World, Why? (4/5)
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In a world where natural disasters, famine and murder are abundant, many individuals lash out at God, or even give up on Him. Amidst incredible suffering, can you still believe in God? Watch this week as Pastor Boon... (more)
The Path to the Top (5/5)
by · 7573 views · LQ
There is a famous expression that suggests there are many paths to the top of a mountain. The idea is that when it comes to religion, you can find your own way to express your spirituality. But Christians say they h... (more)


The Dead Sea Caves
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The Open Space in Orion
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Is the Bible really an out of date book? Discover how a vision that God gave to Job thousands of years ago reveals facts about the universe that modern science has only just been able to discover recently. (more)
If God Exists, Why is There Suffering?
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Why do bad things happen to good and innocent people? Hear of a mind boggling Star Wars battle, brought to light in Revelation, which involves every person on earth - including you! (more)
Everyone Believes Something
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Are you happy with your relationships, attitudes and dreams? They are shaped by what you believe about yourself and the world. Discover the evidence for the relevance of the Bible and its power to bring a change in ... (more)
Amazing Discoveries in Lost Cities of the Dead
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Is the Bible outdated? Listen to Mark explain how recent scientific discoveries prove that the Bible is a historically accurate book. It is not the Bible that plays catch-up with the scientific world but the scienti... (more)
Is the Bible God's Word
by · 9231 views · LQ
How can we know for sure that the Bible is divinely inspired? Join Pastor Boonstra and Pastor Finley as they delve into this subject and discuss archeological and historical evidence that the Bible is, in fact, the ... (more)
The True Character of God
by · 7732 views · LQ
What is the true character of Biblical God? What is He like? This is seems to be very obvious questions, but strangely enough there are many different answer even among Christian churches. Let's find out from the Bi... (more)
We Can Believe the Bible
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Did you know archaeologists are constantly finding clues from the world of the Bible? They have confirmed many historical details that were only found in the Bible record. (more)
Good God, Bad World - Why?
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If God is so good, then why is the world is so bad? This is a question that we have all asked at some stage. See what the Bible has to say on this matter and discover the reasons behind all the evil in the world. (more)
Why Satan Hates Marriage
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Have you ever wondered why some people worship God on one day and others on another day? Who has it right, and does it really matter what day you keep, if at all? Come and discover what the Bible has to say. (more)
How to Study & Understand the Bible
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Everybody wants to be happy. From children stories to marriage ceremonies, the ideal is always one that ends with happily ever after. Unfortunately, not many people are able to find happiness. Many unhappy millionai... (more)
Who is the Father?
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With so many different interpretation of "Who is God" out there (even among the Cristian Churches) how do we know which one is the true one? Let's find out. (more)