"Written in Blood" by Lyle Southwell

"Written in Blood" by Lyle Southwell [HQ]

When God created the World, it was perfect. But sin enters this world and the world became corrupted. Let's find out about the oldest prophecy in the Bible about what God plan is for this fallen world.

Date Posted: 27 May 2010
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
The Prophetic Code
Lectures, assignments, group meetings, work, friends, exams...ARGH! This two-session seminar will help you understand your mind and body more and to treat them better. Be refreshed and prepared for e... [more]

Video No 6 / 21


The Code That Hounted Hitler (1/21)
by · 14622 views · HQ
What Hitler has to do with the Bible prophecy? Let's find out a prophecy given to us in the book of Daniel that is against Hitler and many others before him dreams' to unite Europe and how despite all the odds, the ... (more)
The Prophectic Code (2/21)
by · 9874 views · HQ
With all of those symbols, signs and beasts; how do you actually understand prophecies of the Bible? Let's explore how the Bible actually does give us the keys to understand these prophecies. (more)
Signs of the Times (3/21)
by · 10851 views · HQ
In Mathew chapter 24, Jesus' disciples ask “What will be the signs of you coming and the end of the age?” Let’s find out Jesus' answer and why this is a very important message for us today. (more)
How Will the World End? (4/21)
by · 10937 views · HQ
How will Jesus return to this planet? With so many contradicting theories on these topics from secret rapture to Jesus returning secretly to this planet, what does the Bible really say about this? Let's find out. (more)
Angels & Demons (5/21)
by · 10853 views · HQ
When God created Lucifer, he was the most beautiful angel and perfect in every way. Let's find out what happen to this angel, and how his fall was the start to all of the suffering and sin in the universe. (more)
Written in Blood (6/21)
by · 10382 views · HQ
When God created the World, it was perfect. But sin enters this world and the world became corrupted. Let's find out about the oldest prophecy in the Bible about what God plan is for this fallen world. (more)
Daniel's Curse Code (7/21)
by · 11985 views · HQ
The book of Daniel contains a prophecy that is so controversial that during the middle age there were a law to prohibit the study of this prophecy. Let's find out why. (more)
Rebuilding the Temple (8/21)
by · 9576 views · HQ
Out of the bible, the place that contains the most symbols and code will be a Jewish temple. Let's find out what on it, why it relevant for us who live in the 21st century. (more)
Inside the Lost Ark (9/21)
by · 6188 views · HQ
Many archaeologists and historians run expedition to find the Ark of the Covenant, perhaps the most sought after Biblical item. What is it? What is inside it? And most importantly what the big deal for us who live i... (more)
Rest for the Soul (10/21)
by · 6235 views · HQ
Did you ever feel tired and exhausted at the end of your working week? Well, this study is for you. (more)
Symbol of the Sun (11/21)
by · 6543 views · HQ
Some Christian believes that Jesus changed the Sabbath day to Sunday. Did the Bible really mention that? Let's explore every single verse in the Bible where Sunday, the first day of the week is mentions. (more)
Who is the Anti-Christ (12/21)
by · 6566 views · HQ
In the Bible, antichrist mention in the number of different places. Each mentions the different characteristics he has. Let's explore these verses so that we can be absolutely sure who he is and not get deceived whe... (more)
The Final Super Power (13/21)
by · 6395 views · HQ
Whether we like it or not, world superpowers such as Rome and USA have a big influence in our life. Let's find out a prophecy that reveals the identity of the last superpower in this earth and how it will use its po... (more)
Mark of the Beast (14/21)
by · 6512 views · HQ
If there is one subject in the Bible that most sought after, this is it. Let's find out what is it and most importantly how to not get one! (more)
Life After Death (15/21)
by · 6157 views · HQ
This is a subject that almost everyone on earth asks at some point in their life. Almost every religions have different answers, even Hollywood movies seems can't seems to agree on one. How can we be sure? (more)
Where on Earth is Hell? (16/21)
by · 6131 views · HQ
When it comes to the subject of Hell, we'll find all kind of different theories. Unfortunately very little of it comes from the Bible. Let's find out what the Bible really says about hell? It might not be as bad as ... (more)
1000 Years of Peace (17/21)
by · 6565 views · HQ
Revelation 20 mention about the 1000 years of peace, or the millennia. What is this 1000 years is all about? Why does it matter for us? (more)
Buried Under Water (18/21)
by · 6403 views · HQ
This study will cover a code or symbol that is not about a prophecy, yet it is the most powerful in the Bible. Let's get on with it. (more)
Why So Many Churches? (19/21)
by · 9541 views · HQ
There are about 3500 different religious group in Australia alone. Which one should we follow? Let's discover the foundation principle of God's church in the first century to help us find God's true church. (more)
The Code of Conduct - Part I (20/21)
by · 6432 views · HQ
Health and physical wellbeing is a subject that is rarely asked from a Bible study. Yet, because God care so much of us He did not only care about us spiritually, but also physically. Let's find out what it is and h... (more)
The Code of Conduct - Part II (21/21)
by · 5964 views · HQ
What does it really mean to be a Christians? In this last study for this series let's go through this in a practical way that you and I can follow. (more)


Please Reply
by · 5979 views · LQ
A relationship that works is one that has 2-way communication. There is a time for listening but also a time for sharing one’s feelings of joy, hope, love and even pain. God desires that we come to Him in pray... (more)
Why Did Jesus Die?
by · 23430 views · HD
How can Jesus dying on the cross save us from our sins? How does that help us to be more like Him? Does He really have to die in the process? (more)
666 & The Mark of the Beast
by · 12713 views · HQ
N/A (more)
Decoding the Apocalypse: Israel at the Crossroads
by · 6725 views · LQ
Do you ever wonder why God choose the troublesome spot of where Israel is now out of all the fast available land back then for His chosen people? Let’s reveal the prophecy in Daniel 8 and how this will lead us to th... (more)
Israel Delusion
by · 10549 views · HQ
Newsweek Magazine, 1st Nov 1999 says “The predominant emphasis in Christian prophecy is on the return of the Jews to the Holy Land and the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple”. This is what Christian... (more)
The Empire Beyond
by · 16665 views · HQ
The first angel's message of Revelation 14 reveals how we can have eternal life. (more)
The Count Down to Eternity Has Begun
by · 6093 views · LQ
Do you ever play hide and seek and how someone is counting three, two, one and the search began whether you ready or not? There is a much more important countdown that had started, that is the countdown to eternity,... (more)
What is God Like?
by · 13269 views · HQ
What is God really like? How can He let all this evil happen in this world? Is He really the kind of God who is ready to punish us whenever we make a mistake as many believe? (more)
Is There Anything You Can Trust?
by · 9148 views · HQ
Unlock the ancient secrets of prophecy and discover a dependable source for knowing the future. Discover how ancient prophecies can bring new hope with meaning and purpose into your life! (more)
Discoveries in the Lost City of the Dead
by · 6144 views · LQ
Global warming, economic crisis, is there any hope left for us in the future? Let’s find out what the Bible has to say. (more)
How Soon Will Jesus Return?
by · 10438 views · HQ
The Bible never gives us an exact date when Jesus will come, but it does give us signs leading to it. (more)
Who is Jesus?
by · 5793 views · LQ
Do you ever feel that emptiness/thirst in your heart that never goes away? Many tries to fill it in with more money, more car, etc with no result. Let's find out the Biblical answer to this so that you wil... (more)