"Is Heaven Real?" by Samuel Sidharta

"Is Heaven Real?" by Samuel Sidharta [LQ]

Do you ever wonder what heaven is like? Some believe it just a imaginative place, some believe it is hidden somewhere in the cloud. Let's find out from the Bible.

Date Posted: 01 Oct 2009
Select Quality: LQ
Search For Certainty
Uncertain times? Can the Bible give answers to the most difficult questions in 2009? With the global financial crisis, pandemics, terrorism and climate change, where is the world heading? Topics incl... [more]

Video No 11 / 11


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Where Do We Go When We Die? (8/11)
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How to Start Life Over Again (10/11)
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Is Heaven Real? (11/11)
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Do you ever wonder what heaven is like? Some believe it just a imaginative place, some believe it is hidden somewhere in the cloud. Let's find out from the Bible. (more)


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