"Showdown of the Gods: The Return of Elijah the Prophet" by Gary Webster

"Showdown of the Gods: The Return of Elijah the Prophet" by Gary Webster [LQ]

Many people claim to have no religion. However at the end of time, God is calling His people back to worship Him, there will be no fence for you and I to sit on; which side will you choose?

Date Posted: 14 Jan 2010
Select Quality: LQ
Discoveries in Revelation's Prophecy
Study the visions Jesus gave to Daniel about end time events and how they are being fulfilled around us right now. Get a sense of the imminence of Jesus' coming. Wonderful messages of hope for a world... [more]

Video No 25 / 25


Discoveries in the Lost City of the Dead (1/25)
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Global warming, economic crisis, is there any hope left for us in the future? Let’s find out what the Bible has to say. (more)
The World's Next Superpower (2/25)
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Many believe in Nostradamus predictions about the future. True, some of those are true, but unknown to many people; most of his predictions are inaccurate. Let’s find out about Biblical prophecy that has never fail. (more)
Omens, How Near is the End? (3/25)
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Pompeii is a very large city of Italy, despite many smaller earth quakes from the nearby mountain the people failed to take action and most died when the mountain erupt. Is it possible that we too are ignoring the s... (more)
The Jesus Myth (4/25)
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Do you ever wonder who Jesus really is? Why did He just never seem to go away? Some people even take book “Dan Vinci Code” as the truth despite its fiction category. Let’s find out who he really is. (more)
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If the God is so good, why the world so bad? Let’s find out about a real star wars and how our planet has decided to joined the rebellion. (more)
Journey to Eternity (6/25)
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Do you ever wonder why the Egyptian spent millions of men hours and massive amount or resources to build the pyramid? The quest for eternity is perhaps the most resource consuming quest in human history. Is there re... (more)
The Compass: How to Protect Your Most Important Relationships (7/25)
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"Do whatever you feel right” isn’t it what our world believe in today? Of course the result is the chaotic world we live in today. Is there any solid direction or guide whether something is right or wrong anymore in... (more)
Armageddon: How the World Will End (8/25)
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When we mention about Armageddon, we would think about the meteor that will hit the earth and destroy everything. What is the Bible say about Armageddon? How this world will end? (more)
New Beginnings: The Survivors (9/25)
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When the Berlin wall fell, many are celebrating for their freedom from communism. Let’s find out about how God is committed to our freedom, not freedom from communism, but freedom for the guilt of our past, from our... (more)
Data Base: Reigning in the Dragon (10/25)
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Like it or not many innocent people are jailed for crime that they never had committed. Likewise when we make decision for Christ, the Devil will do whatever he can to persecute us. Let’s find out how God will put t... (more)
Decoding the Apocalypse: Israel at the Crossroads (11/25)
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Do you ever wonder why God choose the troublesome spot of where Israel is now out of all the fast available land back then for His chosen people? Let’s reveal the prophecy in Daniel 8 and how this will lead us to th... (more)
Omen: The Allegiance Factor (12/25)
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The Bible make is clear that toward the end of time there will be signs that make it clear who is  our allegiance, whether it is God’s or the Devil’s. Let’s find out what is it and how you too can make sure you are ... (more)
Anti-Christ: History's Greatest Cover Up (13/25)
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There has been confusion in the religious world on who is the predicted “anti-Christ”. Let’s discover what Jesus said and what are the characteristic of this anti-Christ so we can distinguish the false from the true... (more)
Global Economic Meltdown: The Key to Financial Security (14/25)
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Many lose their job in the recent economic disaster. Is financial security is really possible today? Let’s discover God’s version of financial security, ones that will never fail. (more)
Apocalypse: No More Night (15/25)
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Do you ever wish the day of no more violent, no more rat race, and no more sins? Believe it, it is coming; God has a plan to never let the chaos of this earth to ever happen again. Let’s find out. (more)
Ghosts: Life after Death (16/25)
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What happen 5 minute after we died? Many believe in incarnation, some simply believe that we would be transformed to an angel playing a harp on the cloud for the rest of eternity. Let’s find out what the Bible said ... (more)
Maximum Impact: Life at It's Best (17/25)
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When Daniel and his friend taken out of Israel, their life is really making a maximum impact to the Babylonian and Persian Empire. Wherever we are, God too wants us to make maximum impact into the world around us. L... (more)
Ancient Rome & The USA in Prophecy (18/25)
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What is the United States has to do with Biblical prophecy? In fact they are the centre of the book of Revelation, let’s find out what the Bible has predicted about them and how they’ll lead into us the ultimate dec... (more)
Night Cry: Demonic Dimensions (20/25)
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Like it or not the earth is getting worse and worse, more people are murdered, more crime are committed each and every single day. Let’s find out God’s promise to light up this world right at its darkest hour. (more)
The Mark of the Beast (21/25)
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Some people are so afraid of it they try to avoid having a Social Security number. Others worry about the bar codes scanned at check-out stands—what could be behind it all? We wonder: Who is the beast? Is it a perso... (more)
The Count Down to Eternity Has Begun (19/25)
by · 6093 views · LQ
Do you ever play hide and seek and how someone is counting three, two, one and the search began whether you ready or not? There is a much more important countdown that had started, that is the countdown to eternity,... (more)
The Search for Certainty: Why So Many Denominations (22/25)
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There are many people that are hungry over genuine Christianity. With so many denominations claiming to be the follower of God, how can we be sure which one is right? (more)
The Assassination of God: Good News About Hell (24/25)
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Most believe that Hell is a place where the wicked are burned for eternity. Unfortunately this is not a Biblical concept of hell. Let’s find out how even through the fire of hell God still shows His love toward the ... (more)
Showdown of the Gods: The Return of Elijah the Prophet (25/25)
by · 7065 views · LQ
Many people claim to have no religion. However at the end of time, God is calling His people back to worship Him, there will be no fence for you and I to sit on; which side will you choose? (more)


The Sign of Holiness
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With so many denominations and people who claim to be Christians, how can we tell the true Christian from the false? The Bible gives us a simple clear indication. (more)
What Does It Mean to Worship God?
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What does it mean to worship God? Is it the songs I sing, the prayers I pray, the money I give? Find out what it truly means to worship God as Pr Chris Guo speaks about this important topic. (more)
The Ultimate Reunion: Seeing Through the Grave
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Have you lost anyone that you love? We will ever see them again? What is death anyway? Let’s discover what the Bible has to say. (more)
Glory: Face to Face with the One Who Has Loved You All Along
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Do you long for someone who will fulfil us? Someone who can have intimacy relationship with us. But the things we found are just not satisfying. Let’s find out someone that can fulfil us and long far more to see us ... (more)
Hope Beyond Tommorow
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Having experienced a shift from one millennium to another, the word millennium is a part of our vocabularies. It's an important concept, for the Millennium is, in a sense, God's Timetable of Final Events—it re... (more)
Creation to Restoration - Part II
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In this lecture, the transition from a perfect to a non-perfect world, the origin of death and carnivory and the biochemical and morphological changes in animals are discussed in depth. Darwin considered parasites a... (more)
The True Character of God
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What is the true character of Biblical God? What is He like? This is seems to be very obvious questions, but strangely enough there are many different answer even among Christian churches. Let's find out from the Bi... (more)
Can a Person Go So Far into Sin God Cannot Save Them?
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There are many people today that are wreck by guilt and wonder if they’ve wonder so far that God cannot save them. Let’s find out what the Bible has to say. (more)
Life After Death
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Is there life after death? What is the soul? What is the spirit? Can we talk to our dead loved ones, and if so, should we? (more)
Start Your New Beginning Now
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Today many people want to know how they can start their life over! Is there some way our past mistakes and errors can be erased? In this final presentation, William will reveal powerful secrets on how you can start ... (more)
The Other Side of Social Distancing
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As many parts of the world are practising social distancing to suppress COVID-19, the Bible talk about another distancing that we should all keep at this troubles time. (more)
Who is God?
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Does God really exist, or is He just the imagination of millions of Christians? And if He does really exists, who is He? (more)