"The Open Space in Orion" by Louis Torres

"The Open Space in Orion" by Louis Torres [HQ]

Is the Bible really an out of date book? Discover how a vision that God gave to Job thousands of years ago reveals facts about the universe that modern science has only just been able to discover recently.

Date Posted: 05 Feb 2009
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The Dead Sea Caves
by · 8550 views · LQ
In this program we will be going to the lowest place on earth, the Dead Sea. Let's find out about the remarkable discovery in the caves of the Dead Sea. (more)
Monkey Business
by · 13212 views · HD
The Bible provides amazing answers to life's questions - but so does science. Which is right? Did we evolve? Were we designed? Does it even matter? Discover irrefutable evidence regarding the origin of species (more)
The Two Convenants
by · 10025 views · HQ
In Eph 2:11, the Bible says if you are a Gentile (non-Jewish) then you have no hope, without the convenant and without God in the world. Therefore is there any hope for the rest of us? (more)
Good God, Bad World, Why?
by · 9010 views · LQ
In a world where natural disasters, famine and murder are abundant, many individuals lash out at God, or even give up on Him. Amidst incredible suffering, can you still believe in God? Watch this week as Pastor Boon... (more)
Dostoyevsky's Question
by · 10501 views · HQ
Dostoyevsky wrote questioning the reason that more people did not kill themselves. According to him, there is no God and no judgement. What is the purpose of life if there is no god? (more)
From Evolutionist to Creationist
by · 11441 views · LQ
Prof. Walter J. Veith is a university lecturer with a background in zoology, biomedical sciences, and research in archeology and history. He was also a strong believer in evolution. However, through an amazing journ... (more)
Where the Mammals Reign - Part I
by · 11461 views · HQ
In this lecture, the ice ages are discussed and reasons for mammalian distribution and appearance in the upper portion of the geological column are presented. The evolution of man and the time constraints in terms o... (more)
The True Character of God
by · 7580 views · LQ
What is the true character of Biblical God? What is He like? This is seems to be very obvious questions, but strangely enough there are many different answer even among Christian churches. Let's find out from the Bi... (more)
Does God Exist?
by · 7485 views · LQ
Ancient writings tell the story of an omnipotent God who brought this universe into existence. Does He really exist? (more)
Israel's Natural Wonders
by · 7178 views · LQ
In this program, let's travel right around the world to answer the question: where did earth come from? did it take millions of years? Are we related to monkeys? How did it happen? (more)
Amazing Discoveries in Lost Cities of the Dead
by · 34450 views · HQ
Is the Bible outdated? Listen to Mark explain how recent scientific discoveries prove that the Bible is a historically accurate book. It is not the Bible that plays catch-up with the scientific world but the scienti... (more)
Scripture Study Skills
by · 6280 views · HD
Let's learn some of the ways to study the Bible in a rich and very meaningful ways! (more)