"What is the Meaning of Life?" by Shawn Boonstra

"What is the Meaning of Life?" by Shawn Boonstra [LQ]

Amazingly, there are reliable answers to the most important questions ever asked by human beings. Find out why you are here!

Date Posted: 16 Oct 2008
Select Quality: LQ
Out of Thin Air
The creation/evolution debate has been raging for decades, and a number of fundamental issues lie at its core - some of the biggest questions in the universe. Over the course of four programs, Pa... [more]

Video No 4 / 4


Does God Exist? (1/4)
by · 7601 views · LQ
Ancient writings tell the story of an omnipotent God who brought this universe into existence. Does He really exist? (more)
Where Do Human Beings Come From? (2/4)
by · 8954 views · LQ
Many scientists say that based on our DNA we are 98% similar to apes. But do you know that we are also 90% similar to mice and 35% similar to daffodils? Let see what Shawn accompanied by Dr Timothy Standish, a biolo... (more)
What Story does the Fossil Record Tell? (3/4)
by · 6409 views · LQ
Remember those half ape-half man pictures we saw in high-school textbooks? Is what we see really what the archaeologist managed to dig out of the ground? Let's see what Shawn accompanied by Dr Timothy Standish, a bi... (more)
What is the Meaning of Life? (4/4)
by · 7194 views · LQ
Amazingly, there are reliable answers to the most important questions ever asked by human beings. Find out why you are here! (more)


Israel's Natural Wonders
by · 7301 views · LQ
In this program, let's travel right around the world to answer the question: where did earth come from? did it take millions of years? Are we related to monkeys? How did it happen? (more)
Evidence of Things Not Seen
by · 11157 views · HQ
Many argue, "If I can't see it, it doesn't exist!", however, there are many things that we cannot see but definitely exist - air, bacteria, molecules and so on. (more)
Where the Mammals Reign - Part I
by · 11732 views · HQ
In this lecture, the ice ages are discussed and reasons for mammalian distribution and appearance in the upper portion of the geological column are presented. The evolution of man and the time constraints in terms o... (more)
Monkey Business
by · 13538 views · HD
The Bible provides amazing answers to life's questions - but so does science. Which is right? Did we evolve? Were we designed? Does it even matter? Discover irrefutable evidence regarding the origin of species (more)
Creation to Restoration - Part II
by · 12483 views · HQ
In this lecture, the transition from a perfect to a non-perfect world, the origin of death and carnivory and the biochemical and morphological changes in animals are discussed in depth. Darwin considered parasites a... (more)
Dinosaur in History & Forklore
by · 12240 views · HQ
Were dinosaurs really extinct millions of years ago? This theory certainly contradicts the Bible. However, there is lots of scientific evidence that supports the Bible. (more)
Creation to Restoration - Part I
by · 9929 views · HQ
In this lecture, the transition from a perfect to a non-perfect world, the origin of death and carnivory and the biochemical and morphological changes in the animals are discussed in depth. Darwin considered parasit... (more)
Where the Mammals Reign - Part II
by · 11042 views · HQ
In this lecture, the ice ages are discussed and reasons for mammalian distribution and appearance in the upper portion of the geological column are presented. The evolution of man and the time constraints in terms o... (more)
Secret Knowledge - Emanuel Swedenborg
by · 6980 views · LQ
You probably never heard of Emanuel Swedenborg, but he help to put something on your high-school text book that he discover through spiritualism. Let's find out what it is and how it pretty much build the foundation... (more)
The Open Space in Orion
by · 24730 views · HQ
Is the Bible really an out of date book? Discover how a vision that God gave to Job thousands of years ago reveals facts about the universe that modern science has only just been able to discover recently. (more)
Monkey Business
by · 8239 views · HQ
The Bible provides amazing answers to life's questions - but so does science. Did we evolve or were we designed? Which is right and does it even matter? Discover irrefutable evidence regarding the origin of spe... (more)
Zajonc's Box
by · 11216 views · HQ
Did you know that we cannot see light but merely reflections of light? However, no one ever doubts that light exists. Is it possible that this is also the case with God? (more)