"How Near is the End?" by David Asscherick

"How Near is the End?" by David Asscherick [LQ]

Here at the Discover Prophecy Seminar we believe that Jesus is coming soon! But how do we know this is true? And how soon is soon? Haven’t people been saying that for many, many years? How can we be sure that the Second Coming really is imminent? Fortunately, the Bible powerfully, compellingly, and clearly answers these questions.

Date Posted: 09 Sep 2008
Select Quality: LQ
Discover Prophecy
This powerful series, produced by 3ABN, will give you the "big picture" of the Bible and show the true existence of God, His plan for salvation and soon return. Follow along with your Bible and you wi... [more]

Video No 3 / 24


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How Near is the End? (3/24)
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The Actual... Certain, Unavoidable Identity of the Antichrist (8/24)
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The Rock that Simple Will Not Roll - Part I (9/24)
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The Rock that Simple Will Not Roll - Part II (10/24)
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There Really Is A Final Judgment (13/24)
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When Will the Final Judgment Take Place? (15/24)
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How to Face Death Unafraid (16/24)
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How to Postpone Your Funeral (17/24)
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The Good News About Hell (18/24)
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How Not To Get The Mark of the Beast (19/24)
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The United States in Bible Prophecy (20/24)
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Babylon is Alive and Well (21/24)
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God Has A Church On Earth (22/24)
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Who is Israel? (23/24)
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How to Get On and Stay On the Straight and Narrow (24/24)
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Fire in the Sky
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Planet Earth
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Rescue From Above
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Forever Young
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Global Warnings
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