"Jack P. Toke - Baptism Testimony" by Jack P. Toke

"Jack P. Toke - Baptism Testimony" by Jack P. Toke [LQ]

Listen as Jack shares his journey to commitment to God.

Date Posted: 26 Feb 2009
Select Quality: LQ


God still...
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Jesus asked His disciples to cross the Sea of Galilee, while He went up to the mountain and prayed. Then the storm came. Find out the assurance for those who faithfully follow and serve Him who is God still. (more)
Learning to Become One
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The Bible says "a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined with his wife, and they shall become one flesh". But what does it really mean to become one? Let's learn how to become one, a process that starts... (more)
Our Most Precious Treasure
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The Punitive Death of a Righteous Man
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Are we giving God our best? Sadly, many Chrisitan "serving" God in their own way, not God\'s way. (more)
Praying For & In Spirit
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George Müller pray for his friend every day for 73 years without result. But even in his death bed, Müller still convince that his friend will come to Christ one day. How could Müller pray with such c... (more)
What to Do with Doubt?
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Removing the Stumbling Blocks - Part II
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Have you ever experienced unanswered pray? did you wonder why? Let's discover what can be the stumbling blocks for your prayers to be answered and how to remove it. (more)
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How do you overcome the Goliaths in your life? Is it even possible when the odds are just overwhelmingly against you? When things are humanly impossible to overcome? Where do you even begin? What must you do? May th... (more)
Radical Protection
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"Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil" Ephesian 6:11. You may never encounter it, but the battle between good and evil is real! And unless you have this armour... (more)
Windows of Heaven
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Jacob had never felt so destitute and alone - and it was all because he had been devious and greedy. First Jacob had bribed Esau, his elder twin, into selling his birthright. Then, with his mother's help, he tricke... (more)
Language of Music
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When we talked about music, most think that there are only 2 options: the absolutely destructive contemporary music or the good old classic. This is not true. Let's establish a good musical principle that you can ap... (more)
Doing the Right Job at the Wrong Time
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As parents, we all want the best for our children. But can the best of intention be damaging when given at the wrong time? (more)