"Preparing for Christ's Return" by Pr. Doug Batchelor

Join this 4-part Biblically based series by international evangelist Pastor Doug Batchelor, where key biblical questions our world is facing today will be answered. Pr Doug is the presenter of Australia’s fastest growing Christian TV program Amazing Facts Presents as seen on Channel 9CEM, His also the author of 3 best-selling Christian books and pastor of Mega Church in California, Pr Doug's spontaneous, lively humour and downto-earth approach to living the Christian life engages audiences globally.

Release Date: 13 Feb 2020

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Even at the Gates (1/8)
by · 8482 views · HD
Is the second coming of Christ just around the corner? What about the millennium of peace? What are the prominent signs of Jesus' return and how can you be prepared? (more)
Q & A - Part I (2/8)
by · 9338 views · HD
Does the temple in Jerusalem need to be rebuilt before Jesus second coming? Will be there be a third world war? What is the mark of the beast? How can I know I am ready for Christ's second coming? (more)
Q & A - Part II (3/8)
by · 8554 views · HD
We have been talking about the sign of second coming since Jesus' time, nothing has changed, what do you think about that? What do you mean by the churches are sleeping? Will pet go to heaven? Why do some Christians... (more)
Mountain of Glory (4/8)
by · 7229 views · HD
Learn how an amazing story in the New Testament reveals a microcosm of the 2nd coming of Christ. (more)
Open Your Windows (5/8)
by · 11188 views · HD
Learn how to stand for the truth in the last days by kneeling down. (more)
A Trumpet, a Shout, an Earthquake & Fire (6/8)
by · 8661 views · HD
Learn how a remarkable experience in the history of the Israelites parallels events for the 2nd coming of Jesus (more)
The Richest Caveman (7/8)
by · 18622 views · HD
An incredible life story about how as the son of a millionaire Father and show business mother, he left it all behind to live in a cave to find himself. (more)