"Is There Anything You Can Trust?" by Benny Wen

"Is There Anything You Can Trust?" by Benny Wen [HQ]

Unlock the ancient secrets of prophecy and discover a dependable source for knowing the future. Discover how ancient prophecies can bring new hope with meaning and purpose into your life!

Date Posted: 09 Aug 2012
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
iDiscover Revelation's Prophecies (2012)
Thinking people like yourself are deeply troubled by what is taking place globally on many fronts. They wonder, "What does the future hold?" iDiscover is a series of lectures that will help you ... [more]

Video No 1 / 10


Is There Anything You Can Trust? (1/10)
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Unlock the ancient secrets of prophecy and discover a dependable source for knowing the future. Discover how ancient prophecies can bring new hope with meaning and purpose into your life! (more)
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Peace on Earth (5/10)
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Stress-No-More (6/10)
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Monkey Business (8/10)
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Final Call (9/10)
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Ctrl + Z (10/10)
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Don't you wish there was an "undo" button to life? The ability to press Ctrl + Z when you make a mistake? Wouldn't it be nice if you could start all over again? Discover the Bible's incredible "restart" button for l... (more)


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Why You Can Be Assured of a Wonderful Future
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You can turn to the paranormal, the stars in heaven or crystal ball, but the fact is no one on earth can foretell the future. However, Jesus said that His whole reputation is based on foretelling the future. (more)
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N/A (more)
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