"Dinosaur in History & Forklore" by Bruce Price

"Dinosaur in History and Forklore" by Bruce Price [HQ]

Were dinosaurs really extinct millions of years ago? This theory certainly contradicts the Bible. However, there is lots of scientific evidence that supports the Bible.

Date Posted: 05 Jul 2012
Select Quality: LQ | HQ


Does God Really Exist?
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From Evolutionist to Creationist
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Prof. Walter J. Veith is a university lecturer with a background in zoology, biomedical sciences, and research in archeology and history. He was also a strong believer in evolution. However, through an amazing journ... (more)
Creation to Restoration - Part II
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In this lecture, the transition from a perfect to a non-perfect world, the origin of death and carnivory and the biochemical and morphological changes in animals are discussed in depth. Darwin considered parasites a... (more)