"Discoveries in Babylon/Iraq - Part I" by Mark Finley & Michael Hasel

"Discoveries in Babylon/Iraq - Part I" by Mark Finley and Michael Hasel [LQ]

Babylon or modern day Iraq was once the most magnificent city in the world. The Bible mentions it many times, but how accurate is the Bible? Can archaeology prove the existence of the King Nebuchadnezzar, the tower of Babel and more?

Date Posted: 05 Mar 2009
Select Quality: LQ
Discoveries of a Lifetime
Join Pastor Mark Finley and Dr. Michael Hasel for a fascinating journey through the lands of the Bible. You will be amazed at how discoveries throughout the Middle East and especially in Israel, con... [more]

Video No 1 / 8


Discoveries in Babylon/Iraq - Part I (1/8)
by · 8281 views · LQ
Babylon or modern day Iraq was once the most magnificent city in the world. The Bible mentions it many times, but how accurate is the Bible? Can archaeology prove the existence of the King Nebuchadnezzar, the tower ... (more)
Discoveries in Babylon/Iraq - Part II (2/8)
by · 6188 views · LQ
Babylon or modern day Iraq was once the most magnificent city in the world. The Bible mentions it many times, but how accurate is the Bible? Can archaeology prove the existence of the King Nebuchadnezzar, the tower ... (more)
Dead Sea Scrolls (3/8)
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Many have doubted the credibility of the Bible. How do we know it has not been changed throughout the centuries? An accidental discovery made by a young boy provides answers. (more)
Egypt, the Serpent, and the Afterlife - Part I (4/8)
by · 6700 views · LQ
The Bible talks a lot about Egypt, its cities and culture. But how accurate is it? Can archaeology prove the realibility of the Bible? (more)
Egypt, the Serpent, and the Afterlife - Part II (5/8)
by · 5687 views · LQ
The Bible talks a lot about Egypt, its cities and culture. But how accurate is it? Can archaeology prove the reliability of the Bible? (more)
Tyre to Hazor (6/8)
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The Bible, in Ezekiel 26, describes the city of Tyre and its magnificence. However, it also predicted that its destruction would be so great that the city scraps would be thrown into the sea. Can archaeology prove t... (more)
Isle of Patmos - Part I (7/8)
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Do you wonder why this website called Beyond Patmos? In this 2 part series, Pr. Mark and Dr. Hazel will cover the top 10 Achaeology find that relates to the Bible. Let's begin! (more)
Isle of Patmos - Part II (8/8)
by · 6780 views · LQ
Do you wonder why this website called Beyond Patmos? In this 2 part series, Pr. Mark and Dr. Hazel will cover the top 10 Achaeology find that relates to the Bible. Let's begin! (more)


Temples & Tombs
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Babylon, The City of Gold
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Babylon, once the city of gold, today lay deserted in ruin near modern Bagdad, Iraq. Let's find out how this once marvellous city has come to this, just as the Bible prophecies. (more)
The Promised Messiah
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Ur of the Chaldees
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Do you ever notice that our Jewish friends are usually quite prospered? While we don't know their secret today, we do know the secret of their ancestor, Abraham. Let's find out as we visit the ur of the Chaldees, Ab... (more)
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