"A Spade Unearth the Truth - Part I" by Walter J. Veith

"A Spade Unearth the Truth - Part I" by Walter J. Veith [HQ]

This series takes us on a fascination walk through the ages. Archaeological evidence in support of scripture is presented tracing evidence for the long-disputed stories of the exodus and the existence of long-forgotten cities and archaeological finds such as the Ebia tablets.

Date Posted: 27 Oct 2011
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Genesis Conflict - A Spade Unearth the Truth
With a strong background in zoology, biomedical sciences and research in archaeology and history, Professor Walter J. Veith is a world renowned author, scientist and lecturer. He lectures internationa... [more]

Video No 1 / 2


A Spade Unearth the Truth - Part I (1/2)
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This series takes us on a fascination walk through the ages. Archaeological evidence in support of scripture is presented tracing evidence for the long-disputed stories of the exodus and the existence of long-forgot... (more)
A Spade Unearth the Truth - Part II (2/2)
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This series takes us on a fascination walk through the ages. Archaeological evidence in support of scripture is presented tracing evidence for the long-disputed stories of the Exodus and the existence of long-forgot... (more)


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A Spade Unearth the Truth - Part II
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This series takes us on a fascination walk through the ages. Archaeological evidence in support of scripture is presented tracing evidence for the long-disputed stories of the Exodus and the existence of long-forgot... (more)
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The Doom of Pompei
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